Romulan x Mikado, Mutant purple island OG & Mutant Tuna Kush


i had some bag seeds saved from many trips to my local dispensary, not sure if they are from cross pollination or if they are hermaphrodites so i'm not entirely sure if they are actually the strain i think they are, i just know what nugs they came from

figured i'd throw up some pics of the plants here. most of the first pics with the really streched seedling in the little white pringles thingy is a bagseed i got from some medical "romulan x mikado (by federation of something or other)" and appears as the biggest plant in the last pic. This plant is growing as expected and doesn't look mutated at all the stems are also really purple.

the medium sized one is a bagseed from some med "purple island OG by island Organic gardens" and it sprouted with 3 leaves and has continued to grow its leaves in 3's instead of 2's like normal plants but it seems to be growing pretty fast.

the third is a bagseed from some med "tuna kush by O'shea gardens" that i picked up and its the smallest cause i started it last but this plant is also a mutant and sort of just pumps out leaves at random it seems to be healthy but it looks more like a cutting than something grown from seed.

pics are a week old as of today but as soon as i get my camera back i'll be posting updates. :eyesmoke:

Also i dont really have too much experience i just like to fuck around so post away.

