romulan clone....


:blsmoke:i picked up A Clone of Romulan about 3 weeks ago.Under my circumstances i have a realy ghetto setup:neutral:.I have grown before outdoor,and had a small closet garden before with a 400 wt grow light from a hydro shop.But this bud of mine was having problems with his rom clone,so he kicked it my way.When i got it it was only 4 1/2 inches three weeks ago.I have one two foot floro and a 100 wat cfl on it 24 hours with a bathroom fart fan inside the closet.Now its over a foot and growing alot of its secondary leaves and branches.Looks great considering i dont have alot of light power like i am used too.:mrgreen:so i feel lucky so far its growing like a champ:mrgreen:.I always loved romulan bud but now i appreciate the growing of Rom ulan also.One of the easiest strains i have grown.I reccommend a romulan clone to n e one who wants an easy short bushy plant.I cant wait to watch it flower:hump: peace:peace: sorry i dont have my usb cord for pics.