rollingitup (pics)


Active Member
wrote this a few weeks back whilst stoned, took pictures too, step by step on how i backroll.

First thing to rolling a joint are the ingredients: rolling paper, roach card/paper, tobacco and weed.

Take a sheet of rolling paper fold it the other way, so the gum strip is on the outside.

Next take a strip of card for your roach, the best ones are the ones in the back of rolling paper packets, green card as we call it for the ones in the back of rizzla packets, I'm unsure of the colours of others, if there isn’t any green card just use a piece of the rolling paper packet, or a peace of clean card. Cut to desired size.

Tightly roll the card around something to give it a basic shape, then roll it with your fingers. Keep on unrolling and re-rolling till you get something like this.

Rest the paper on the paper packet, using it as a tray; place the roach on the paper.

Take small pinches of tobacco and thinly place them along your paper, taking any woody bits out, i usually roll my backrolls very linier in shape, so even amounts all the way down

Sort out your mix, take out any seeds and stems (if you find your joint crackling as your smoking it and/or you’re getting a headache after, there was a seed in the roll.)

Break up the mix you have left till there nice and small little bits. (i didn't have a grinder, so i had to use my fingers)

Start to add them to your joint, try to keep them in the centre so when you roll the tobacco wraps around it.

Now depending on how much you have put in, its placement, and the type of roll, you can place a THIN layer of tobacco on top of this before rolling, I have chosen not too; tighten back up the roach before you start rolling, as it will have become unfurled.

Pick up your joint by the roach, lightly pinching, then take it between your thumb and forefinger and start rolling it up and down, pinching lightly to pack the mix together and get it nice and packed.

Next is the tuck, this is easier when not back rolling, but its vital in a back roll, you want to have all of the gum paper facing up so that it touches the other side, allowing you to lick your finger and wet the paper from the other side, sealing it together and making a joint with the minimal amount of paper.

You can now either leave it to dry by itself once you have stuck the sides together or quickly run a lighter up and down it, DO NOT STOP THE LIGHTER at any time when it is heating the paper, otherwise it may light it at a bad place, i.e. halfway.

Now you can light the excess paper, hold like shown and light it at the roach, just before the flame reaches the end QUICKLY run your finger up the seam to stop it making a hole in your paper, you can also adjust the burn by tilting the joint, if the joint hasn’t caught, hold it more vertically, just as the flame reaches the tip hold it horizontal and give it a light blow, run your finger up the joint.

Now use something thin to poke the mix down into the joint.

Now either fill in the excess or carry on, pinch the joint by the excess paper like shown and lightly shake it back and forth, like a pendulum, after that hold it like a pencil and drop it a few inches roach first onto a hard surface to pack all that lovely smokable stuff in there nicely, then either twist the end and store or enjoy your effort.

- Hope you enjoyed that, post your ways of rolling guys!