Rodger Stone set too walk

Cuomo argues Trump isn't normalizing corruption; GOP is

After President Donald Trump issued a pardon for former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, CNN's Chris Cuomo argues the President only sees corruption as wrong if the perpetrator is caught.
The words "to," "too," and "two" are homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings. The preposition "to" refers to a place, direction, or position. The particle "to" is used before the verb in a to-infinitive. The adverb "too" means also, very, extremely, or additionally.

"Two" refers to the number 2. It's probably the easiest one to remember, maybe because it doesn't look like it should rhyme with "to" and "too." It can be confusing for English language learners, and even native English speakers, to distinguish and use these terms.

I used to make this mistake too. But when Mamma was proof reading my writings, after about the hundredth time she marked it in red ink, I got to where I could remember it.

Prosecutor Disavows Barr Bigfooting Of Stone Sentencing | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow shares a portion of the Roger Stone sentencing transcript in which Justice Department prosecutor John Crabb speaks in support of the case against Stone and defers to the judge on sentencing, disavowing what William Barr imposed on the case. Aired on 02/20/20.
I remember a few years ago I said, " Trump will Pardon Bernie Madoff, Well I wasn't far off.

I am still waiting for that to happen, this President loves to let those criminals out that act like he does.

I am sure many of us have had a Friend put into Prison for a Non-Violent Crime and they still may be doing time. I just wonder do those who like this Piece of Shit President like what he's doing ?
I would hope they see he's not behind you unless your a billionaire. Let us all stick together and show that Idiot something come voting time.

And We The People Say

He didn't pardon Manafort. He will not pardon Stone either.
I figure he will commute Rogers sentence and not pardon him, I believe Roger would still maintain his 5th amendment rights with a commutation. If Roger accepted a pardon however he would lose his right to self incrimination, no 5th amendment protections for Roger and he would be naked before a future grand jury or congressional hearing. Besides Roger would be free and clear, why risk prison by lying or clamming up for Donald, who would be fucked by then anyway.

You're right, no pardon for Roger, he'll have his sentence commuted, unless Donald fucks up and pardons him which is possible. Roger won't do any time in prison though, he knows too much and is too dangerous to Donald.