Rockwools turning dark green/black!


What does that mean. Is that algae? the parts that are black is slimy after it gets watered.

If it algae how do I get rid of this?
Change rockwool? I think its too late for that Im already in 3rd week of flowering.


Well-Known Member
yes it is algae, cover them with tinfoil. shiny side down. this will elliminate the light source for the algae and should take care of it.

Had the same problem, thank Max Yeilds for the lil tid bit.


Well-Known Member
spray your cubes with a solution of water and hydrogen peroxyde. your dosage will depend on the % of your peroxyde. Try not to hit the leaves... squeeze out the execess water from the cubes and let dem get dry enuff without your clones wilting. the spray the cubes againt with the solution. covering them will also help but is not necessary if u use peroxyde. and let them dry out more then usual.


Well-Known Member
sorry i tought they were clones. if you are 3 weeks into flowering. dont worry about it just cover it with some black & white poly run some hydrogen peroxyde in your reservoir... you can add it to your nutrients for a week or run it with some water for 1 or 2 days.


New Member
or you can just forget about it...

i have a huge plant that has had a black/dark green rockwool cube for a long time, and the plant is fine. its been almost 3 months now... its a mother plant.

if you want, jsut cover it,a nd the algea will die from lack of light.

i wouldnt mess with peroxide in the res, maybe just spray it on top of the cube and thats it


Well-Known Member
hey sure no problem, your welcome, anytime, comeover and bang my wife after you take my advice, haha n00b