Rockwool Question


Active Member
I'm using rockwool for the first time as the starter plugs for my seedlings (rapid-rooters before) but I have a major issue... my Ph pen came busted today and the seeds have already been started. I used some leftover Ph Down and some litmus test strips to approximate 5.5 in distilled water (using the guide that said 3g would make 1 gallon distilled water Ph 5.5) but damn it's hard to gauge well.
My question is this; is the risk of burning the seeds to death in an overly acidic rockwool worth me just bagging the Ph soak and trying it in water alone? Or is that just gona stunt their growth outright... Oh and the package said I could use lemon juice, would that be safer than winging it with the chemicals?

In a few days old I can use my Ph buffered hydro-nutes (dilute of course) to help fix it but what about right now? My seeds are germinating faster then expected... man I fucked this one up and I can't get to the hydro store for two days. Any advice would be appreciated, I'm kinda freaking out because my seeds cost so damn much.


The russ0r
Go for Plain water to be SAFE. You wont exactly be using nutrients yet anyway, so there isnt much of a problem with uptake. I have used plain water, plenty of times.