Rockwool medium, cubes or cut up sheets?


Well-Known Member
I have a stupid question. Rockwool comes in big cheap sheets and in little bag twice the price for the ebb and flo cubes. I need the cube and i was wondering if u could just by the big sheets and cut up or is it nescecary to buy the precut cubes. I know that rockwool needs airpocket to work and that cutting up might damage them. Any experience or thoughts. Just wanna be sure. Ebb n Flo with rocwool seems awesome way to get oxygen to root. Also waht size cubes do you all use. I was thinking mini. :?::weed:


Well-Known Member
I think i know what u r talking about. There call rock wool flakes(1/4" cubes) from grodan. Greenhouse uses this kind of method but in 85liters buckets. I think is a great idea for hand watering manually. I going to give this a shot as soon as my mother gets more soots. The reason i want to do this method is so i can manually water in square buckets. Plus mj grow faster in a hydro system right. And with no soil mess but grow like in soil. But im wondering how many time is sume going to have to water in this way? Thats what every body is telling me on the site but i dont want all the pumps, table, ect. Im in an appartment and i dont want any water issue or shit like that. But anyways i hope this helps any.

I have never done this method b4 but if anyone that has do tell


Well-Known Member
I have one net pot filled with cut up rockwool cube going right now. I have one clone going like this and a layer bout half inch of hydroton on top of the rockwool. I just dipping the net pot in a sauce pan of water once a day now and watching. I did it once at lights on yesterday and just now at lights on. I herd once at light on and once at lights off was what one perosn said. I checlked the cubes at lights off tho and they were still wet i not sure what to do. I gonnea try once every 24 hours for a while, it si till alive!


Well-Known Member
Do u have any pic?

I wounld not get them wet when the lites are off. Only whin the lites r on. Atleast thats what other ppl have told me.

And as for ur clones i think watering once a day is good for now utill they get bigger. Ur clones will start to drink alot of water during the day and u might not be able to keep up.


Well-Known Member
:fire: Here is my experimental ebb and flo clone! I dunk it once a day in a sauce pan with nutes and supertrhive when i turn the lights on. It looks good only day 3. THe rockwool cubes have a thin layer of hydroton on top t okeep moisture in,, i fig i try!



Well-Known Member
:fire: Here is my experimental ebb and flo clone! I dunk it once a day in a sauce pan with nutes and supertrhive when i turn the lights on. It looks good only day 3. THe rockwool cubes have a thin layer of hydroton on top t okeep moisture in,, i fig i try!


Well-Known Member
small clone i know, lol. First attempt at cloning. Good root tho! Liek 4 inches of roots with hairs on them.. I did them in a dwc bubbler cloner. I made that myself. 100 percent success. Plant is growing and i love the thot of all that oxygen. If this works for A.L BFUCT then i think it must be working indeed, lol. I stoned!


Well-Known Member
Looks good 420!!!!!

Keep it up and she will love u forever.

As long as she doesnot go dry then u will be ok.