Rockwool in my Aeroflo2?????


Well-Known Member
I have around 60 cuttings ready to go on my new aeroflo2. They have all rooted and are def ready to go in (as soon as I throw the last touches on my new room).

Can I just throw the mini rockwool I have been using for cloning into the cups and pack some Hydroton below and above them? AAAAGGGHH!!!

Oh yeah, what is up with the coco husk inserts for the mesh cups? are these necessary for moisture? Are they even necessary?

Please any help is appreciated.


Uses the Rollitup profile
The rockwool packed in growrocks is how it's usually done. The trick is to provide enough dense media to grow roots outward sideways and down so that the plants will be firmly anchored in the system. I've never used the coir inserts, but I imagine they are to keep the rocks from getting into your res.

If I paid that much for a system, I'd be hounding GH's tech support guys with questions, they know the answers.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip PR. Yeah, system is a teeny bit pricey...... Maybe I'll start getting the results I want for the cash paid, but we both know that isn't always the case ;-)


Well-Known Member
Yo maseo keep me posted on everything, I am getting one soon and want to know if it is worth it...what kind of light u got on there?


Active Member
Hello there, I have been at these systems for 5 years now and have done almost 20 120 grows,,, after this time I say throw the kookoo cups out the fucking window, theya re to get them to grow through and stabilize but they also have a shitty PH and have killed more of my clones on "DROPIN DAY" then they have helped,... Take your clones and carefully separate them from teh rockwool,, then thread them through the aerocups and fill with hydroton around them,, it is better if they all can touch the nutrient solution o day 1 so keep the levels way up on the first week so they can get more roots down into the tubes b4 you go dropping them,,... when you do there will be more air.. thus the benefit of this system. Hit me with any other questions you haev any i'd be happy to tell you everything I kno!



Well-Known Member
No doubt - the AeroFlo's are excellent! There are many DIY versions of the AeroFlo - you can make one IDENTICAL to the factory version and save some money or, better yet, modify the design to suit your needs (site spacing, row length, etc) ...consider the Stinkbud alternative to the AeroFlo - a hybrid Aeroponic/NFT unit. His post can be found on this same site - check it here:

This book shows you how to make an AeroFlo exactly - with detailed parts list and step by step pictures. No - I am not a rep or advertising this book in any way! I make no money from the sale of this book. I just wanted to pass on the info:

Happy growing all!


Active Member
Without the Aeroflo2 level tubes in the troths, there is no root submersion. Aeroflo2 is a passive aero system- meaning that the aero properties of this system <spray between the 1-10micro size is produced by the popping of the bubbles inside the troths when the lazer spay lines hit the nutrient inside. This level of nutrient is changeable by the internal level tubes..... without them you have NFT, and that is not what aeroflo2 is........big D little U little H

NOT to mention the HUGE holes in the res,,,,,... we in the professional world would call this a swamp system,.... the open air and light to the res means that shit is growing in there... and that is a swamp.

THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST NFT PERSONAL DESIGNS I HAVE EVER SEEN!> this man is talented, and used his talents well.

I have the upmost respect for him and everyone on this forum. I simply want to help everyone do BETTER. So for this system, why not drill holes in the bottom of the troths, use the level tubes and continue mocking the design of the Aeroflo....{Because it is really hard to get your hands on the gaskets to make them not leak!} Sprayers are Whack! they clog! Always! Nutrients are salts! Salts build up over time with pressure,.... the only way to create an Aero system without them, is to use passive spraying like Aeroflo2,,,, OR ULTRASONIC HUMIDIFICATION. check out that technology...... if your really want to get into the future of Aero growing you too would be researching this tek.... the plates however create alot of heat,,, so if u get one and try it in one of these tote systems,... be sure to put it on a timer ever 4 min or so so you don't overheat you solution,, or refrigerate!


Active Member
No Dragon, you want them almost all the way up for the little guys,, so the roots are in the water,,,,, after they get bigger and have more roots you can drop them to half way.. you want the water in there so the jets can make the bubbles. When the bubbles in the troths pop, thats what makes your system AERO...

I'm sorry for your confusion, I was talking about the system that LIONSROOR was pumping up.

Now that that discussion is over have anymore questions dragon>?

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
Yes, Aero. I have a # of grows in my AF's, but I'm always looking to improve. You say to move the tubes halfway down after roots are long enough. But I'm 25 some days into vege with one of my AF's, and I have the tubes pushed completely down at this point to expose as much root surface as possible to aeration. Is that ok in your opinion? Thanks for your reply.



Active Member
I have tried both ways and I have come to the conclusion that it is better to have the up half way.

The reason being that you want the water to hit water,,, The bubbles are what you really want.
When they pop, the spray off the top of the waters surface is what creates the micro droplets.

My research in why this system works is that the increased oxygen content is achieved by the size of the droplets of water you are "making".
That as in you buying a big piece of plastic with troths and spray lines.... and running nutes through it at high pressure, so Im going off from our original goal.. the droplet size.
The only way to make a fine mist type spray with an aeroflo2 is to have the high pressure jets from the flo hitting semi deep solution. That choooooooooooooooo sound the flo makes when the tubes are half way are the jets pulling air under water and making millions of little bubbles in your tubes...when they POP! they discharge BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of "micro droplets" This rapid increase in surface area of the aqueous H20 allows for the rapid increase of oxygen content. when they hit your roots that are exposed... they are supercharged and ready to rage out your world.


Well-Known Member
...........great conversation, great knowledge! This is really cool you guys!
So, AEROPRO, as with Hidden Dragon, I ve been running my system with the tubes all the way down-----as soon as the roots allow. In your opinion can I try putting them up an inch or so---- I am about 35 days into 12/12---- or do you think it to be safer to just wait and try that next run? What you've said this far really makes sense and it is very much appreciated! Two more questions, if you dont mind. I am running my pump 24/7, is this correct? And did you bother to aireate your res solution? (3)--> do you know of a substitute for the jelly GH uses on the grommits?

Thanks! And Happy New Year!!



Active Member
YES. you can put them up, they will love it! Half way is good,,

YEA run that thing alllllll the time.... they last about a year and a half if you never shut them off.... Also with the pump if you take the pump out and take the face off after each gro you will ensure that your pump will stay serviceable.. It is best to take the back off and spray the pump with some sort of lube. Those bitches get wet then the screws rust,, then you can't take it apart to lube it up, then they break and you have to jsut buy a new pump. FUCK! DUH! However best pump ever, god I love these pumps

I am pretty sure that the lube they use is just a lil but of petro jelly, anything that is not water soluble would be fine.
Hey I am a noob to but I decided my first grow will be using an aeroflo2 36 site. I am very confused at when you are harvesting these plants as i dont understand how they could reach full maturity in these tiny lil cups. Aeropro i would really like it if you could pm me or something cause I dont wanna fuck this shit up I just blew a fuckload of dough on this.