Rockwool Cubes or Peat Pucks?


Well-Known Member
I have some seedlings germinating, and I was just wondering (since I have both), which is better to put my sprouted seeds into, rockwool cubes or peat pucks. I know peat is PH neutral, and that is a plus. but thats all I know, but I have recently had problems with peat pucks.

And as far as soaking rockwool, I just take the rockwool cubes and submerge them in PH balanced water? I know thats stupid but i cant seem to find any conformation on that process.


yup, thats what i did soaked the cubes overnight and let stand in a tray under lights(i used a 30w flouro,18") with seeds about 5mm deep and wet btm of tray to avoid any over evaporation, and presto nuttin but luck so far (started about 30 or more by now). peace!