You knoe guys ive had a few beers and im not even smoking these days and since im not farming fuck it, i got a question, I know this is looked down on and im sorry to those who are legit, but ive taken my shot a growing and i bailed before i could see any real fruits of my labor mainly due to the fact i received a knock and talk from the police, i was scarred but i knew they wouldnt be knocking if they had any real evidence/warrant, so i told them to leave and they did, after that i very reluctantly filled a milk jug of gas at the chevron and set fire to my babies in my backyard, to this day idk if i could have gotten away with it but ive spent a day in county for minor offences and well pussy or not i realized i could sit in jail knowing the writing was on the wall, now i ask this community very bluntly, if i decide to do this again, will the juice be worth the squeeze, i mean how many of you are actually making enough to make the risk worth while, i see no other real opportunities like weed in my life but idk am i hopeing to squeeze blood from a rock?