RO Brands - Your Fav?


Active Member

so after perusing the local stores i have noticed i cant really find any bottled water that is *pure* RO water, i mean..... NOTHING but h20 in the bottle.. i found a "smart water" from the dudes who make vitamin water which is RO/vapor distilled which is good.... but then they add electrolytes like magnesium, potassium, and calcium citrate -- now i dont want to fuck up my TDS ratios by increasing trace magnesium and adding potassium as that would throw off my feeding schedule......

all the other waters (poland spring, evian, dasani, et al) i found were bottled or "distilled" but nothing mentioned vapor distilling or RO (pure h2o)

so what do you guys do for RO water? up to this point i've been using water straight from the tap (a bamboo plant i've had for like 6mo has been thriving off that water alone) -- i figured that the water isnt really too bad so i dont think i NEED to get RO water but it would be nice to know in case i need to abandon the tap any time soon....


Well-Known Member
You can't really buy RO water in big jugs... people buy a reverse osmosis water purifier. Stick with distilled tap water or buy jugs of it.