RIU Presidential Election - Lets vote shall we?


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Well-Known Member
Obama 08!

he will make it so we dont have to post 10 characters to make a post!!!!

(not really that was a joke)


Well-Known Member
If I lived in the USA Barack Obama would get my vote for sure, even as a Canadian i am still routing for him to win, Simple fact is that I believe he is the best shot for full legalization, and if the USA moves for full legalilzation Canada will follow suit very quickly (providing that we can get fucktard Stephen Harper out of office and get the Librials back in office) So cross you fingers that he wins and the conservatives over here lose, If even one of theis dont happen we could lose the chance of a life time (if both happen neither side will put preasure on the other aginst it)


Well-Known Member
obizzle my nizzle

mccain made me sleepy and uninterested last night when he gave his speech,he got booed a few times,and all in all McCain is just like bush.

btw they mentioned on how cain couldve easilly left nam when his dad came but he chose to stay there for another 2yrs,its like y choose that u couldve left when they found out who ur dad was


Well-Known Member
Maybe cause he actually has a pair unlike Obama, but that's irrelevant, who cares, I found my alternative to the mainstream candidates. I'm voting Lbertarian.


Well-Known Member
WTF is this? This is America people- there sure as hell is more than 2 choices!

I like Barr, but he voted for the FISA bill- yeah, no thanks to that. Write in here....


Well-Known Member
but lets face it
these are the 2 that its going to come down too
Thats exactly why I only included the two. The other candidates aren't doing much (if anything) to bring attention to themselves. We might as well focus on the ones who are actually competing and have any chance of winning.


Well-Known Member
The only reason "those two are the only ones with any chance" is because you buy into those lies the msm feeds you.

Voting isn't a horse race, you don't pick who you think is going to win. Voting is for you to pick who YOU think the BEST person for the job is..

Thank you to the others who realize this-


Well-Known Member
They are no longer msm ... but simply corporate media ... cm ... the internet is the main stream media now ... :eyesmoke:

... and I'm voting green this Nov. Obama or McSame is a wasted vote imo ... voting for them is agreeing with continuing business as usual ... which screws the common people ... :finger:

... I'm not going to throw my vote away on those corporate assholes ... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
They are no longer msm ... but simply corporate media ... cm ... the internet is the main stream media now ... :eyesmoke:

... and I'm voting green this Nov. Obama or McSame is a wasted vote imo ... voting for them is agreeing with continuing business as usual ... which screws the common people ... :finger:

... I'm not going to throw my vote away on those corporate assholes ... :bigjoint:
Hell yeah a fellow buckeye voting green. You know Ohio is a key state, i think we should try to convince everyone in Ohio to vote green. think we can do it in two months?