Richest 1% now own more than the rest of us combined


Well-Known Member
Sister thread to @Rrog :


"The richest one percent of the world’s population now own more than the rest of us combined, aid group Oxfam said Monday, on the eve of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.

“Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world’s population — a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago,” the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

The report, entitled “An Economy for the 1%”, states that women are disproportionately affected by the global inequality.

“One of the other key trends behind rising inequality set out in Oxfam International’s report is the falling share of national income going to workers in almost all developed and most developing countries… The majority of low paid workers around the world are women.”

Although world leaders have increasingly talked about the need to tackle inequality “the gap between the richest and the rest has widened dramatically in the past 12 months,” Oxfam said.

Oxfam’s prediction, made ahead of last year’s Davos meeting, that the richest one percent would soon own more than the rest of us, “actually came true in 2015,” it added.

While the number of people living in extreme poverty halved between 1990 and 2010, the average annual income of the poorest 10 percent has risen by less than $3-a-year in the past quarter of a century, a increase in individuals’ income of less than one cent a year, the report said.

– ‘Few dozen super-rich people’ –

More than 40 heads of state and government will attend the Davos forum which begins late Tuesday and will end on January 23.

Those heading to the Swiss resort town for the high-level annual gathering also include 2,500 “leaders from business and society”, the WEF said in an earlier statement.

Describing the theme — the Fourth Industrial Revolution — WEF founder Klaus Shwab has said it “refers to the fusion of technologies across the physical, digital and biological worlds which is creating entirely new capabilities and dramatic impacts on political, social and economic systems.”

Oxfam International Executive Director Winnie Byanima, who will also attend Davos having co-chaired last year’s event, said: “It is simply unacceptable that the poorest half of the world’s population owns no more than a few dozen super-rich people who could fit onto one bus.”

World leaders’ concerns about the escalating inequality crisis have “so far not translated into concrete action — the world has become a much more unequal place and the trend is accelerating,” she warned.

– End tax-havens era –

As a priority, Oxfam is calling for an end to the era of tax havens which has seen the increasing use of offshore centres to avoid paying taxes.

“This has denied governments valuable resources needed to tackle poverty and inequality,” the report said.

As much as 30 percent of all African financial wealth is estimated to be held offshore, it added, costing an estimated $14 billion in lost tax revenues every year.

Getting hold of the proper level of taxes will be “vital” if world leaders are to meet their goal, set last September, of eliminating extreme poverty by 2030.

Byanima challenged those attending the Davos meeting “to play their part in ending the era of tax havens, which is fuelling economic inequality and preventing hundreds of millions of people lifting themselves out of poverty”.

Of the 62 people said to hold as much wealth as the poorest 50 percent, Oxfam said that 53 are men and just nine are female, highlighting that women are ill-represented even at the highest levels.

The headline Davos guests include British Prime Minister David Cameron, US Vice President Joe Biden, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls and newly-elected Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

President Mauricio Marci of Argentina, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister, are also due to attend.

Oxfam said it had calculated the wealth of the richest 62 people using Forbes’ billionaires list."
Leave it to Padwan to post a completely misleading piece....

"The richest one percent of the world’s population now own more than the rest of us combined, aid group Oxfam said Monday, on the eve of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.

“Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world’s population — a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago,” the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites in Davos.

If you read the two sentences they are not the same.

In one, 62 people are worth more than the POOREST HALF of the population. That does not count the 63rd wealthiest to the person that is just slightly richer than the next poorest guy and that is a huge chunk of wealth.

So, the richest one percent do not own more than the rest of us, some ignorant person at Oxfam said that.

Furthermore, wealth is not cash.... Wealth in the form of Walmart is the buildings, equipment, inventory and business agreements and as such is the reason for hundreds of thousands of jobs for people. So yeah, the poorest 1/2 of the world does not own buildings or hire and pay people and/or own commercial assets as such, that is obvious.

What Padwan is advocating is that we steal all the profit (which translates into growth, more jobs, etc.) from the private sector. It would eliminate the reason for people to invest and for businesses to be created. He wants to kill the golden goose because he thinks that even though he owns neither the goose nor the eggs that he should get a share because he is alive and has needs. Unfortunately there are millions of people out there that think the same backwards way and wonder why the economy is shit....

1% holds more wealth than 99% & 62 people (down from 388 just 5 years ago) hold more wealth than 50% are two different statements; both of them are accurate
What Padwan is advocating is that we steal all the profit (which translates into growth, more jobs, etc.) from the private sector. It would eliminate the reason for people to invest and for businesses to be created. He wants to kill the golden goose because he thinks that even though he owns neither the goose nor the eggs that he should get a share because he is alive and has needs. Unfortunately there are millions of people out there that think the same backwards way and wonder why the economy is shit....
"As a priority, Oxfam is calling for an end to the era of tax havens which has seen the increasing use of offshore centres to avoid paying taxes.

“This has denied governments valuable resources needed to tackle poverty and inequality,” the report said.

As much as 30 percent of all African financial wealth is estimated to be held offshore, it added, costing an estimated $14 billion in lost tax revenues every year."

Do you support ending offshore tax havens? Do you think that's stealing profit from the private sector?
I don`t own the homes I work on but I get paid by them,.....Ownership is a big deal with you paddy, why ?
If they own it all, they`ll have to drop prices or give you more money or nobody will buy to keep them on top.
couldnt have said it better nlxsk1

also in my politically naive mind. wealth does not equal money. many of the people you speak of in africa dont give a damn about paper money and net worth. their family, their land, farm and food they produce is their wealth and many are quite content.

says my international brethren abdule and wife futtoo. who are doing quite well for themselves.

i only wish i had as much peace in my heart as them.

"The richest one percent of the world’s population now own more than the rest of us combined, aid group Oxfam said Monday, on the eve of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.

“Runaway inequality has created a world where 62 people own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world’s population — a figure that has fallen from 388 just five years ago,” the anti-poverty agency said in its reported published ahead of the annual gathering of the world’s financial and political elites inDavos.

im sure this is true. but only people concerned with bank accounts and assets care. there have always been and always will be a few people ruling. wwther it was a king in old times or whatever.

not a bad thing imo. but i also make more money than most of the country so what would i know. certainly more than the poor people you speak of in undeveloped lands
1% holds more wealth than 99% & 62 people (down from 388 just 5 years ago) hold more wealth than 50% are two different statements; both of them are accurate

"As a priority, Oxfam is calling for an end to the era of tax havens which has seen the increasing use of offshore centres to avoid paying taxes.

“This has denied governments valuable resources needed to tackle poverty and inequality,” the report said.

As much as 30 percent of all African financial wealth is estimated to be held offshore, it added, costing an estimated $14 billion in lost tax revenues every year."

Do you support ending offshore tax havens? Do you think that's stealing profit from the private sector?

I am for eliminating the entire tax code and replacing it with a flat sales tax on products and services with a constitutional cap on the limit the tax can be raised to. Any subsidies would be eliminated along with the 14,000 pages of current bullshit.
I am for eliminating the entire tax code and replacing it with a flat sales tax on products and services with a constitutional cap on the limit the tax can be raised to. Any subsidies would be eliminated along with the 14,000 pages of current bullshit.

I liked the first 8 words of your post.
I was surprised about the various levels. It's not that difficult to get into the 10% club...not quite a shiny as the 1% but a whole lot better than the next gang of %.
I was surprised about the various levels. It's not that difficult to get into the 10% club...not quite a shiny as the 1% but a whole lot better than the next gang of %.

Hillary is so far up there she wouldnt let the 1% clean her car...
1% holds more wealth than 99% & 62 people (down from 388 just 5 years ago) hold more wealth than 50% are two different statements; both of them are accurate

"As a priority, Oxfam is calling for an end to the era of tax havens which has seen the increasing use of offshore centres to avoid paying taxes.

“This has denied governments valuable resources needed to tackle poverty and inequality,” the report said.

As much as 30 percent of all African financial wealth is estimated to be held offshore, it added, costing an estimated $14 billion in lost tax revenues every year."

Do you support ending offshore tax havens? Do you think that's stealing profit from the private sector?

I want to make sure I have this correct. 30% of AFRICAN wealth is offshore costing AFRICA $14 billion in lost annual tax revenues.

Was your question, does he support the ending of offshore tax havens for AFRICANS?

The reason I ask is because we don't tax wealth in the USA. At least we didn't until the estate tax was resurrected. Let's here it for septuple taxation, ladies and gentlemen.

Income tax Federal
Income tax State
Sales tax
Services (phone, cable, etc) tax
Property tax
Capital gains tax
Estate tax

Those are just the taxes that most Americans face, there are hundreds, if not thousands more. But, by all means, let's start taxing wealth and savings.

The problem is spending and a federal government that is bloated four times the size it should remain for the population it services. To put it in terms that some of our resident liberal members can personally identify with, think of the federal government as your obese wife. As she gets fatter, she wants more and more food crammed in her slobbering pie hole. The answer, if you care about her health and your own interests, is not to find ways to feed her more, but to put her fat ass on a diet. Starve the behemoth and get her on a fucking treadmill.
I want to make sure I have this correct. 30% of AFRICAN wealth is offshore costing AFRICA $14 billion in lost annual tax revenues.

Was your question, does he support the ending of offshore tax havens for AFRICANS?

The reason I ask is because we don't tax wealth in the USA. At least we didn't until the estate tax was resurrected. Let's here it for septuple taxation, ladies and gentlemen.

Income tax Federal
Income tax State
Sales tax
Services (phone, cable, etc) tax
Property tax
Capital gains tax
Estate tax

Those are just the taxes that most Americans face, there are hundreds, if not thousands more. But, by all means, let's start taxing wealth and savings.

The problem is spending and a federal government that is bloated four times the size it should remain for the population it services. To put it in terms that some of our resident liberal members can personally identify with, think of the federal government as your obese wife. As she gets fatter, she wants more and more food crammed in her slobbering pie hole. The answer, if you care about her health and your own interests, is not to find ways to feed her more, but to put her fat ass on a diet. Starve the behemoth and get her on a fucking treadmill.

I like that you said behemoth, its not used often enough.
Groovy. The poorest among us are really rich at heart and don't need anything more.

Such sweet simple folk. Reminds me of slaves. They were happy and smiling all the time, too. Needed no currency
Groovy. The poorest among us are really rich at heart and don't need anything more.

Such sweet simple folk. Reminds me of slaves. They were happy and smiling all the time, too. Needed no currency

Everyone is born poor...
I am for eliminating the entire tax code and replacing it with a flat sales tax on products and services with a constitutional cap on the limit the tax can be raised to. Any subsidies would be eliminated along with the 14,000 pages of current bullshit.
And what would you set the limit at, I'm curious?

A flat tax is regressive - it disproportionately harms the poor. Poor people spend a larger percentage of their income than rich people, therefore, they would end up paying a larger percentage of their income in taxes.

How about income tax?

Would you eliminate corporate welfare subsidies?