Rhode island : thinking of moving there

hey there,
ive recently been wanting to move out, although i am picky about where i live.
i was researching RI and it doesnt seem that bad, i was wondering if any RI residents could answer some questions for me.

1. whats the medical cannabis laws like, i read theres medical and you can have 24 plants if your a caregiver, which i plan on.

2.is it hard to get the caregivers license?

3. where is a good area to live?
(im looking for smallish town within driving distance of being able to go to a city {very little deffinition of city, mall, fast food, stores at which i might be employed etc})
1 of 2 types of places though, eather a cheap house thats nothing fancy but has atleast 3 rooms prefer neighbors to be far enough away that we can have a party and it wouldnt matter (we being me and my roommates) or an APPT for just me if they decide to bail, DOGS ARE A MUST, im not allowed one here and i want a dog.
under 1200 for the house and 500 for the appt

4. if in an APPT would i still be able to grow if i had my caregivers license?

note: i am moving because i would like to be a caregiver because my current situation doesnt support my lifestyle

any help would be great, thx
I used to live in road island got alot of family there.

first ill run you down on some basic advice, there are still quite a few racists about, its predominatly irish american neighbourhoods, or like 3rd gen irish americans etc, its like bostons ignorant cousin :P.

although its veerrry community orientated friendly people and familys, id recomend Pawtucket where im from, very nice place.