
Well guys I have a a very good looking plant going that is 34 days into flowering and was hoping that after I harvest her i could reveg and then clone or clone and then reveg.........i am a complete newb so not sure how this works!. After trying to find some articles on it I decided I would just post here and see what you guys say.


Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
You should of did it earlier,
right now, kind of too late in my opinion.
Should have sexed her,
then reveg and got some clones.
Nahh man, try and take clones from some secondary/ tertiary colas, give them a nice long stem, cut near a node (easier to root from there). Find one with some small healthy leaves on there. Put the clones back to an 18/6 or similar light cycle. Keep the plants warm, but not hot while cloning. And if you manage to root them, they will likely sprout multiple tops. The first leaves will be oval shaped, no serrations. Then they will turn normal, 5-fingered. Then you can put it back to 12/12. Some people have said it increases yield 30%, I have only done it once, and I didn't really have much to compare it to, so I don't know how exact that number may be. People call it monster cropping I think if you want to look up the thread. And it is normally done around 21 days, so be extra cautious and quick with the clones, because flowering plants aren't really supposed to root, haha