Has anyone ever done a side by side of a mother vs same mother but revegged. Were you able to noticed any difference in quality? A full reveg as well no flowering traits remain before cloning.
What if you could get more out of your weed plant than just one harvest? Well, you can—with cannabis regeneration. Here's how to do it, and the pros and cons.
So far I don’t think it’ll be a problem since it only began to flower from stress.
Many plants will also start to flower if left in too small a container for too long. If this happens you can typically take a cut and if you catch it early you'll have a monster cropped cut or you can up pot and it should re-veg quicker than a plant that went through a full flower period and was re-vegged.
I revegg with my Bubblegum. I have several times had a second flower. The breeder says he almost always flowers them 3 times. I don't notice any difference in the quality.