Reusing old soil

66 north

Well-Known Member
It becomes a pain having to back new soil into my outdoor grow each year . Can you use your soil over every year buy just adding slow release fert. to it . Some tell me you can some say no .Some of the reports say the plants grow small and not much on them . What is the best way to prep your soil for reuse .


Well-Known Member
Its usually not suggested. However if you HAAAVE TOOO, I would suggest to amend the soil with some compost, bat guano, and perhaps soil from the surrounding site to at least add some new life to the situation.


Well-Known Member
Re-use your soil by doing what wristychronicles said and just use it for vegetables. Then do an experiment this year with some of the re-used soil vs fresh soil with the same strain throughout, same pot size, same water, same feeding schedule, etc.

Then keep us updated come October/November. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
As mentioned u can just amend the existing soil. I've know a guy who does absolutely nothing to the soil and gets amazing nuggs every year. It depends on the soil itself...I'd still amend it regardless. Time released nutes are very convenient but the tradeoff is they aren't the best option. Do what works for u and don't believe everything u hear. Happy growing!