Resin Hit Radio returns today at 4:30PM EST


Active Member
Hey guys, rather than dig up the old thread I decided to post a new one with relevant info.

I'll be broadcasting Resin Hit Radio again today at 4:30pm Eastern Standard Time with my boy D*Bert.

Today we're covering a few different topics:

(from our show page)
-”This Week In Legalization”

-Safe Smoke Spot Spotting

-Know Your Rights

-We said we’d do it, and now we’re going to deliver! Big news regarding a guest next week!

-And a whole lot more!

We’re taking your calls live on the air, call in during the show and we’ll put you on.

And furthermore, if you call in, mention since they've been so kind to let me mention my show every week and not delete or ban me. We are a non-profit radio show for stoners by stoners.

The show is broadcast every Thursday at at