Well-Known Member
The Republican National Committee voted unanimously this week to not allow any coverage of the Republican presidential primary debates by CNN or NBC in in 2016, because of those networks plans to have programs on Hillary Clinton next year. The RNC chairman, Reince Priebus, genius that he is, called it obviously "biased" and unfair. It seems to me that all this shows is that they are scared shitless of Clinton already, and does the nation a disservice by limiting the voters opportunity to see those debates, which everybody with a sense of humor loves. I just find it amazing that the Republicans actually think this is a good idea, but in my opinion they hardly ever have one anyway. I think it just make them look like bigger fools than they are now, if that is possible. I guess I'll just have to watch the clown act on Fox News now, unbiased that it is, to get my laughs at their candidates.