(+rep)How much lime to add to MG organic choice to make in nuetral 7. also gnat infes

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I have a 8 dry-quarts bag of MG organic choice potting soil how much garden lime do I need to add to my soil. Please do not critisize me for using MG because Ive already heard what you have to say a 1000 times and I dont care but for anyone who wants to help a fellow grower out your welcome to receive +rep from me. Anyway I know the soils PH is probably around 5 from the peat in it correct me if im wrong but I havent actually tested this. Also if you know how to get rid of gnats I havent seen any yet I know there coming out soon though and they annoy the shit out of me. I have activated carbon can I sprinkle this on top of my soil to keep them from laying eggs or will that harm my plants. I used MG organic choice last time and the gnats were terrible.
I have a 8 dry-quarts bag of MG organic choice potting soil how much garden lime do I need to add to my soil. Please do not critisize me for using MG because Ive already heard what you have to say a 1000 times and I dont care but for anyone who wants to help a fellow grower out your welcome to receive +rep from me. Anyway I know the soils PH is probably around 5 from the peat in it correct me if im wrong but I havent actually tested this. Also if you know how to get rid of gnats I havent seen any yet I know there coming out soon though and they annoy the shit out of me. I have activated carbon can I sprinkle this on top of my soil to keep them from laying eggs or will that harm my plants. I used MG organic choice last time and the gnats were terrible.

One idea I have on the soil ph and that is just to concentrate on the ph of the water (feeding and run off) and nutes just a thought I've never worried too much about soil ph as long as water ph feeding & run off is good just my 2 cents.

as far as gnats go prevention is key cleanliness plus I use regular fly paper hanging in my grow room and good air circulation. I've also got a bottle of "goGnats" on the shelf I've never had to use it "thankfully" but I have it on hand.


Hope this helps
activated carbon will act as a scrubber for anything you pour on the soil.

if you poor a nute mix, it'll scrub most of the nutes out of the water, and only water will reach the roots.... activated carbon is used in water filters as a step in filtration.... i'm guessing you have it for your DIY carbon filter....
I read that you are supposed to use lime a long time in advance of planting. It stays in the soil for a while. I used dolomite on my old yard and I noticed a decrease in flies, I think the neutralized land helped. I also wonder if these flies lay eggs on the surface of soil and by removing the top inch or two and putting down fresh soil helps? Seemed to help me. If you do lime in a pot, I would use powder, not pebbles.

here is an article
Ohh yeah and for the record I have used MG organic the wife bought the wrong stuff and I made due and I had it side by side with Ocean Forest all things being the same it's not that much different in the long run. They both have tons of goodness in them that eventually drain out "usually by the end of veg stage" by then presumably they both are getting the same nutes and as a result the same NPK flowering period ph and lumes.
Yes it was for DIY carbon filter, well I wont be using my dutchmasters nutes for a few weeks since the seeds just broke out so I could use the activated carbon on top of soil for first few weeks and if there were gnats they couldnt lay eggs for 2 weeks and they only live a 5 days but in 5 days 1 gnat can lay 150 eggs. Then remove the activated carbon after 2 weeks and begin my nutes. Im not worried about gnats from outside, im worried about the ones that hibernated in my bag of soil. Really what I need to know is about Lime right now I need to know how much I dont want to mess it up.

activated carbon will act as a scrubber for anything you pour on the soil.

if you poor a nute mix, it'll scrub most of the nutes out of the water, and only water will reach the roots.... activated carbon is used in water filters as a step in filtration.... i'm guessing you have it for your DIY carbon filter....
I am using garden lime almost like flour.

I read that you are supposed to use lime a long time in advance of planting. It stays in the soil for a while. I used dolomite on my old yard and I noticed a decrease in flies, I think the neutralized land helped. I also wonder if these flies lay eggs on the surface of soil and by removing the top inch or two and putting down fresh soil helps? Seemed to help me. If you do lime in a pot, I would use powder, not pebbles.

here is an article
Finally someone who can respect a potting soil that is good if used and prepared properly.

Ohh yeah and for the record I have used MG organic the wife bought the wrong stuff and I made due and I had it side by side with Ocean Forest all things being the same it's not that much different in the long run. They both have tons of goodness in them that eventually drain out "usually by the end of veg stage" by then presumably they both are getting the same nutes and as a result the same NPK flowering period ph and lumes.
I cant my house will smell like burnt ass sticks and worm dirt thanks tho. I would have to order neem oil and I am to broke for that.

Take you transplant soil and bake it in the oven at 350 degrees for 1 hour this will steralize you soil and kill everything it won't do anything to what has allready taken hold for that you can do the Neem oil dip

Do you have Cerventas Bible???

as long as you aren't going to use veg nutes

I used veg nutes on my previous grow, I had Bio-Grow, Bio-Heaven they worked fine it was 12/12 from seed in small cab but ended up with about 1oz off two plants shorter than 8" tall under 6-26w CFL I also gave them flower nutes Bio Bloom, this year I have Dutchmasters Gold Range Grow A,B and Dutchmasters Silica.
I've found that when I use soil that has additives in it and I add veg nutes I tend to get salt build up and it burns the roots a little (It may just be my nutes combined with the soil) I use a cocktail of Advanced Nutes.
But if I get salt build up I skip a feeding and flush
Yea but I have no credit card and I still live with my parents and Im 18 if I get a package and Im not here it will get opened and my mom will know whats up because she allowed me to grow last year but told me not to every do it again. The only reason why she allowed it is because she didnt find out until almost time to harvest because of smell. She knew I didnt have any weed but my room always smelled like goods thanks to the fact I had Grape Kush, and Sour Diesel x Cheese its called Chiesel 1 of my good friends made his own cross and gave me some seeds.

No disrespect intended but for the retail cost of less than an 1/8 you could buy enough Neem Oil to save your entire crop. It seems to me you can't afford not too. I'm sure you could beg or borrow a few bucks

Thats what you should do that is what I would do in the situation of a salt buildup its good to give your soil a good clean water flush for a day or two every now and then. I feed nutes every other watering at 1/4 strength every other watering and flush at end of week then start giving 1/2 strength and repeat the process until at full strength.

I've found that when I use soil that has additives in it and I add veg nutes I tend to get salt build up and it burns the roots a little (It may just be my nutes combined with the soil) I use a cocktail of Advanced Nutes.
But if I get salt build up I skip a feeding and flush
still no one tells me how much lime wow.

Dude concentrate on the ph of your water and your nutes and you will be good if you see any signs of salt build up just skip a feeding and double the water flush a little also if you don't use any nutes during veg you shouldn't have ANY ph issues as long as your irrigation water is proper. Screw the lime just one more thing to spend money on

Good Luck
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