Renting vs Buying textbooks


Well-Known Member
whats the best way to go? The semester starts on monday and i havent bought my books yet, because I dont know whether to rent or buy

from your experience, which is the best choice?


Active Member
Best thing I did was but USED books!!! They were always in brand new condition. You can get them for cheap!!!
Or buy new & re-sell.


Active Member
Oh geez. That is alot. I've spent hella money on books but sold them all. I guess do what's better financially for you!


Well-Known Member
i know im just really conflicted and to top it off nervous about starting a new semester


Well-Known Member
Depends on the book/subject. Will you ever reference it later on in your life? I love my textbooks and am always digging them up. I would recommend buying them used online for super fucking cheap. Or don't buy/rent one at all - at least half of the classes out there can be passed without a book.

/e buy used online, not from the campus book store.


Active Member
Torrentz FTW I personally think college level books are way over priced 300 dollars for 400 level pft computer science with minor in philosophy

Highest Priced College Textbooks

  1. Acta Philosophorum The First Journal of Philosophy: $1,450
  2. Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications: $1,215
  3. Management Science An Anthology: $850
  4. History of Early Film: $740
  5. Biostatistical Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology: $665
  6. Companion Encyclopedia of Psychology: $600
  7. Feminism and Politics: $600
  8. Concepts and Design of Chemical Reactors: $593
  9. Advanced Semiconductor and Organic Nano-Techniques: $570
  10. Ethics in Business and Economics: $550
  11. Environment in the New Global Economy: $510
  12. Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications: $500


Well-Known Member
Depends on the book/subject. Will you ever reference it later on in your life? I love my textbooks and am always digging them up. I would recommend buying them used online for super fucking cheap. Or don't buy/rent one at all - at least half of the classes out there can be passed without a book.

/e buy used online, not from the campus book store.

This! College bookstores are a ripoff. Check around your school for a student paper, or dorms where others may be selling their books from prior terms/semesters.


Well-Known Member
I ended up renting one and buying the others, since they werent availible to rent


Well-Known Member
Gah. I shopped carefully and nabbed the last copy in obscure little bookshops and still ended up paying about $500. And then I had to switch courses because my degree was full of shit. So now my textbooks (which are all bullshit anyway) are lying unused. I wish I'd have rented or used the library.


Ursus marijanus
Does Amazon carry the textbooks? The "used books" part of Amazon is *my friend*. I found some truly lovely out-of-ptrint specialist volumes for visual astronomy there. I cannot imagine that textbooks that are not "brand new this year" aren't there for cheap.

I could not imagine renting textbooks ... they became references for life for me. Still have some. I also can't imagine/tolerate getting a textbook that some wingnut High-Lightered until it looked like a laminated tennis ball. My books were essentially in new condition at course's end, even though i'd read then 5-8x during the semester. cn