Rental Inspection with Weed plants...Oh noes


Active Member
Help guys... I got a letter in the mail today saying that they will be performing an annual inspection on my property despite weather I am around or not. I have BCNL Bloombox in my room and 2 smaller homemade boxxes in the garage locked up. My concern is that if they walk in my room and hear the Bloombox fans then they will need to know what it is...Should I just lock the fuck out if it so they cant get in ? What about my other boxxes? The inspection is between 10 am and 11 and to be honest I dont think they are looking for anything like that just wanna check on the house.

Would it be a problem for me to unplug all boxxes for that hour of the day just to make no noise when they are here? I have 3 plants pretty much balls deep into flowering and I dont want them to get fucked up from this...

PLEASE HELP! INSPECTION IN 2 days and I need ideas fast! anyone who helps gets rep + their dick in my mouth...if they want


Well-Known Member
lol nice to meet someone in my position I assume your talking about section 8 workers? anyways the keyword is "inspection" they are usually never invasive and open anything that is closed I just turned off lights and removed any fans or ducting from the open the inspector came and didn't even bother with my closet, he was very stern about looking by my windows though and door seals he claimed my apartment complex is filled with termites and he was also pissed about the water heater not being bolted down instead of banded with rubber. you should be fine man and another years rent is paid!

note: 3 hours of darkness isn't going to have any drastic effects on the plants regardless of their state in flowering