remote ignitor and ballast

will it work? before i mess up my light i want to make sure i will be able to extend this. so i bought a 150 watt hps floodlamp online and have taken it out of the casing. now the ignitor and ballast are attached to the lamp base with about a foot wire each, im wondering if i can cut off the majority of my power supply cord attach that between the ignitor/ballast and lamp base to extend the length of wire in between them? my growbox could not take all that heat from the ballast, let alone the space. here is a picture of everything, just for a visual. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Yes it works, any extension cord should work for wires also. But i shielded mine with metal protector from the lighting section of the hardware store.

My ballasts dont make any where near the heat the bulb does. I had to seal my hids in the top with glass an vent the heat out of there or they would burn in my 2x3x2 grow cabnet.
do you have a 150 watt hps also? i can keep my grow box (18 gallon rubbermaid) lights on at 78-80 with 4 cfls equating to 130 actual watts, and the bulbs are just warm to touch. and hoping with a little more ventilation to keep that hps cool.

thank you for the tip as far as extending the ballast. i will attempt that now.