Remote door locking system?

Hello all

I have just started a grow of 4 Auto Critical Rapido plants in the wardrobe in the room of my shared house, My housemates are cool with me growing but as we have visitors / parties quite a lot I wanted to find a way of securing my bedroom door which currently doesn't have a lock on it, so I'm no longer paranoid of someones parents or friends walking into my room when I'm not there.

As my house is rented and the door doesn't have any kind of lock on it, I cant really hack a massive hole in my door to fit a lock, and really cant afford to buy a whole new door.

I saw this system that someone has made on youtube using a universal car central locking system wired to a 12v power supply -

I think that doing something like this may be the way to go, as you can buy one of these universal kits on ebay for £15 or so. Has anyone ever done anything similar to this? Or has anyone ever seen a similar system specifically designed for house doors?

Any advise would be appreciated!


Well-Known Member
It's a cool proof of concept gadget, but as far as effectiveness goes, I don't think it would prevent a kick in. At best it will prevent your honest friends from taking a sneak peek while you're away. At a minimum you want to install a door frame reinforcement plate, a deadbolt, and a deadbolt reinforcement plate. If you want to go fancy add an electronic door knob and a door knob reinforcement plate. If that's not enough then you need to add an iron security gate.

The Growery

Active Member
check out Insteon. They sell internet controlled home automation and cameras. Costs about $400 for two cameras and two remote dead locks for front and back door. It's nice to be able to check on the house when I'm away, usually all I see are my dogs sleeping on the couch and getting up on kitchen counters to get water bottles to chew lol. AFter installing the remote deadlock I realized it was a waste of money. I've never needed to access my deadbolts remotely since I installed it.