Remember when you were little?


Well-Known Member

Remember when you were little and everything was filled with sunshine and happiness? Where the fuck did that feeling go? Seriously.... I remember when I was 5 but after that I don't remember finding anything fulfilling. When I was 5 I would be the most happiest fucking person even if I was just following an ant around. I used to be able to do anything and have fun. Now I need to do something that usually costs money to have temporary happiness.

I can honestly say that I would never smoke pot again if I could get my child like views on life again.. Believe me, I really do LOVE pot.. But dammit.. Why can't it be permanent?

Just a little venting....

meechz 024

Active Member
Sadly, this is the mindset you find common in religious peoples. Childlike ways has its advantages but adult ways has more perks imo.


Well-Known Member
Nah not really dude. I've always told myself, whether or not you believe in a afterlife, don't let it affect your happiness.

IDK, you may be right. But at the same time, I would have killed myself a LONG time ago of it wasn't for religion.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else feel this way? I may just have some kind of fucked up depression. I mean everything has no "sense" or "feel".. It's just there. Life feels like a daze. I don't know how to explain it...

Well actually I can explain it to trippers.. Who here has eaten shrooms before? You know that feeling when you know your trip has begun but you haven't started hallucinations yet? You know when your head gets all clouded and your mind feels strange? Well I feel like that 24/7.. It fucking blows.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
stop and smell the flowers , means stop worrying about things out of your control and take a few min to enjoy life , even if it is as simple as stopping to smell the flowers


Ursus marijanus
Heph, that sounds somewhat like the leading edge of depression. The best means I know of combating it is to concentrate on/ apply yourself to doing things that add value and meaning to your life. Have a long-range plan with short-term objectives that you can work on and toward. cn


Well-Known Member
I mean I was anxious then too. Did that not come across right? cn
Ha, flew right over my head.. I had a bunch of thoughts going throug my mind when I first read your post and though you said something else.

See after 5 is when I lost all touch of feeling... Come on neer, you had feelings when you were 5. Let's figure out a way to get those feelings back.


Well-Known Member
Heph, that sounds somewhat like the leading edge of depression. The best means I know of combating it is to concentrate on/ apply yourself to doing things that add value and meaning to your life. Have a long-range plan with short-term objectives that you can work on and toward. cn
What happens when I don't value anything and nothing has any meaning to me?


Active Member
It may sound strange, but if you want that kid feeling again, act like it! I'm not ask "why" To every answer (have a 5 year old always asking it), but to actually take a break from being an adult. Go jump in a puddle, find a slide and run and dive down it face first. Nothing wrong with reverting back now and then. I get my fill daily, and once a year I take than family to Disney world so we can all run around like kids. Enjoy life, don't succumb to it.