

Well-Known Member
Thinking of moving these girls into a room and out of the tent so they can breath a little more. Should I or should I say fuck it and finish them out in here? Also these girls are some 41 day old autos from Chef Anna With The Pot genetics ✊✊



Well-Known Member
Shit I would leave them and put a fan in the tent if you can I don't grow autos as far as I can tell they are looking good to me as always thank you for your time and the best of luck in your endeavors


Well-Known Member
Shit I would leave them and put a fan in the tent if you can I don't grow autos as far as I can tell they are looking good to me as always thank you for your time and the best of luck in your endeavors
Hell yeah. I have a fan outside the tent blowing in as I leave the flap open almost all the time to deal with the temp in that back room!