Regenerating old plants.


Well-Known Member
Ive been asked so many times now, that id do a thread on reguvinating.
When most people harvest thier crop most of the time they cut the whole plant down. I tend to leave about 4 branches right at the bottom,they should still have a small bud and leaves on. Then i give them a spray of water( no nutes) and put it straight in to the room i use for vegging. You wont notice anything for about two weeks, (strain specific). During this time i dont ad nutes as the plant is still in shock( well youd be if you just had your head cut off). There should still be a bit of nutes in the soil anyway that will sustane growth for a couple of weeks. Dont over water it!!
Soon you will see new growth aroud the nodes, this bits fun ,The plant goes fuckin crazy! Once you have lots of new growth and height. return your plant to the Flowering room 12on-12off . As the plant has already been through a flowering cycle, they start to bud almost as soon as they are moved in the flowering room. If done properly you can have a second harvest within 2-3 months!!who knows maybe even another!

Good luck!!! Ill put up some pics tmr.


Well-Known Member
Rejuvenation or revegging is definitely a good idea. I didn't have any choice. My sativa that I planted outside in early March didn't really finish. I trimmed off most of the buds 3 weeks ago 004.jpgand this is how it looks now. How do you like the fake flowers ? It' disguising itself as a hibiscus.


Active Member
Always been interested in trying this but had one question, what about the plant becoming root bound? Wouldn't the plant have already used pretty much the whole pot from the first time it was vegged then flowered? This is for indoors obviously.


Active Member
wow it only took 2 weeks to see new growth ?
i have a strain that i wanted to keep around but never cloned her so harvested left all the popcorn fluffy bud on bottom half put her under 24hr lighting(600W)
Never again took 7 weeks to see any new growth whatsoever although it nearly ready for second flowering now takes way too long in my experience anyway.


Active Member
Always been interested in trying this but had one question, what about the plant becoming root bound? Wouldn't the plant have already used pretty much the whole pot from the first time it was vegged then flowered? This is for indoors obviously.
Root prune and repot to bigger pot


Well-Known Member
i did it once when one strain had the mother plant die, I still have this strain till today after i rejuvenated the budded plant. however, i would never use it unless necessary because it is much easier and faster, consistent and more efficient, to do clones