Reflectors with CFLs?


So I've read not to use the metal kind of circular reflectors with CFLs because of heat and the ballast on the bulb. I have my reflector on it currently because I wanted to see how hot it gets, but to my surprise it isn't that hot. So what do you guys think? Other Cons? and also how can you get the cfls within an inch of the leaf without the heat burning it or curling the tips?


Well-Known Member
If heat isn't a issue and its staying under 30 degrees celsius then use them and if you can't put it 1 inch close then don't just back them away a little until theres no signs of heat issues and sometimes leafs will curl cause of over or under watering but it also could me that its trying to move away from the light cause of heat stress and you do not want that especially during flowering cause it could hermaphrodite (having both female and male parts)


Right. Thanks. I think the curling is due to the ph fluctuation. It's been wild through the move, way unstable. I have to just do the CFL way of growing and move it every day to find suitable places for the light. Man I can't wait to have a HPS..