Reflector questions.


Well-Known Member
SO, i'm using the 150w HPS vapor tight security light from e-conolight.

pros: it cost 20 bucks
it is bright as fuck (compared to cfl's)
my plants like it

cons: no reflector

so i'm obviously a cheap ass, but i'm also a lazy ass, how much difference is a reflector going to make??? do i necessarily need a reflector or will some mylar above the light work (the light is about 3-4" from the ceiling)

i am not going to buy a reflector, i considered making one and I saw the DIY batwing, but honestly it jsut seems like a hassle and a waste of time, how much of a difference do you really think it will make? would it be just as effective to put mylar on the ceiling of my grow area?


stays relevant.
That light isn't going to produce much heat... Pick up a reflector though... might as well make use of those lumens since there isn't that many to take advantage of...


Well-Known Member
it still puts out enough heat for a stealth grow, temps are at 86 with excellent ventilation (high power fan)

will mylar above work as well as a reflector? or does it need to concentrate the light like a parabola?