Reflective Floor


Friend of mine was telling me that having your grow room floor reflective is a bad thing because it fucks with the plants negatively. Is there any merit to this argument?


Well-Known Member
I have had white Panda Poly film on my floors both in veg and in Flower for years. Your friend may be mis-informed based on my results anyways. My avatar pic says it all. :)


Well-Known Member
Friend of mine was telling me that having your grow room floor reflective is a bad thing because it fucks with the plants negatively. Is there any merit to this argument?
I think I read the same thing on here or somewhere else on the web that stated that. I think what they said is that it confuses the plant (because the sun never shines on the botom of the leaves in nature) and that the plant cant photosynthesise from the under side of leaves anyways, just the top. That just what I read anyways, I really don't see what it could hurt, I mean has anybody ever gotten a bad result from MORE light use?.. lol