recreational growers?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone here has or had any experience with a recreational grow. I might get into one have lots of questions. When growing outdoors without a plant limit how do you still try to grow giant plants or do you try to fill the canopy with smaller plants being closer together..


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone here has or had any experience with a recreational grow. I might get into one have lots of questions. When growing outdoors without a plant limit how do you still try to grow giant plants or do you try to fill the canopy with smaller plants being closer together..
not 100% sure what u are asking

if u are doing this just as a hobby/for fun and want as little work as possible

u use supersoil and lay some soaker/watering lines for the plants ..........u do nothing but turn the water on and off and cut the plants when they are done
u have to make your own supersoil.....just look up subcool's supersoil

u pick the genetics of the plants u want ....what strains and tastes they will give u a pro growers maximum yeilds 400 600 gram plants ...........u are just supersoiling it u can expect about 8 to 10 oz a plant ...tweaking the soil mixes u will improve that getting to about 3/4 the maximum yeild

as for numbers of plants to plant .......that is up to u how much room do u have much water can u feed out much soil can u afford to make much do u need


Well-Known Member
Well as i'm calling out recreational growers and saying I might be able to procure a rec grow i'm not doing it as a hobby... but I do appreciate the info a lot because i'm only really knowledgable in indoor growing anyway and we probably will do outdoor. I was curious to see if rec growers were using this site enough to be able to see what exactly, or even roughly, they do for outdoor... and really indoor too. I mean growing on a larger scale is one thing as far as what equipment to use but I've been growing medically for years with a plant count as well, and I was just wondering the main differences between the considerations of a plant count to considerations of a canopy if you grow the same size plants or if its specifically different in any way. I think your right though, any real grow type that is legit will probably work on a larger scale as well and outdoor growing would be easier, thats why lots of people probably got licenses and grew mostly outdoor.

Anyway i'm doing indoor as well, since I am more skilled in that... One big question I've always had is why are no pictures or movies of legal indoor mass grows are hydro? They are all soil... is there a cost benefit to doing a mass indoor grow in soil as opposed to hydro? I would love to do a huge indoor dwc setup but maybe thats not cost beneficial to soil or large ebb n flow trays...?
