Recovery Drip Irrigation


Active Member
So this is the first time i have posted in a while

little background:
Im a colorado mmj patient and this is my fourth attempted grow

1st died at flowering(went on vacation, temp gardener killed them)

2nd single bucket drip irrigation .....stolen :(

3rd one big bud plant in an aerogarden under flourescents. yeild 7 grams

4th and current im veging three train wreck and three humboldt purples clones under 4 flourescent tubes, rock wool cubes in 6 way recovery drip irrigation system

first four plants in picture are two week old clones that were put into rock wool about 4 days ago. the clones have been topped a couple times.
the two in the back are week old clones that came in soil in the red cups (as did all others) transplanting to rock wool in a couple days

anyways im feeding fox farms grow big 3/4 stength nutes for 30 mins 3X per
day out of a ten gallon resivoir with a pondmaster pt 65 gallon per hour pump all is ph and temp adjusted

still in process of getting an airstone. how important is this??

i have a humidifier in their as well since i live at high elevation and low humidity

rock wool is always damp concerned about potential over watering and these dark stanins where drops hit the rock wool

so any ways im just searching for some answers too my questions as well as any general advice on what you see may be wrong or could be better

thank you all