Recovering from the ash


Well-Known Member
Walked out this morning in the SF Bay Area to find my plants covered in a significant layer of ash from the California fires. The buds look like pastry that has been dusted with powdered sugar and they are far too sticky now to shake it off. Any coming back from this? What can we do to salvage? Thank you for any help on this.


Well-Known Member
Walked out this morning in the SF Bay Area to find my plants covered in a significant layer of ash from the California fires. The buds look like pastry that has been dusted with powdered sugar and they are far too sticky now to shake it off. Any coming back from this? What can we do to salvage? Thank you for any help on this.
I'm dealing with the same. I shake it off and then mist it with the hose in the morning so they have all day for the sun to dry them out. Once in a week is all.

Its all we have now lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm dealing with the same. I shake it off and then mist it with the hose in the morning so they have all day for the sun to dry them out. Once in a week is all.

Its all we have now lol.
Same here I don't rinse mine though to nervous spraying them down like that but I use a small shop vac and clean them up


Well-Known Member
had the same thing last year..... and the year before. Never got bud rot from a light misting but I live in super dry climate. If the sloughs werent up the block I believe my whole town would be beef jerky


Well-Known Member
had the same thing last year..... and the year before. Never got bud rot from a light misting but I live in super dry climate. If the sloughs werent up the block I believe my whole town would be beef jerky
Lol true that I used to live in byron it was called the dust bowl dry dusty car is never clean lol


Well-Known Member
I just put my leaf blower on low with the choke at half open to slow the air flow and blew the ash off. It cleaned them up pretty well with no damage.


Well-Known Member
This is going to affect the quality and taste of our buds for sure. I’m starting to wonder if I’m physically going to have to wash my buds by hand.


Well-Known Member
With out door grows I wash my buds anyway. I dont want a bunch of crap in there.

Less crap is always better imo lol. Of course it never all comes out.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for what y’all are dealing with, can’t imagine it.

would it be possible to do wash between chop and hang/dry?


Well-Known Member
Sorry for what y’all are dealing with, can’t imagine it.

would it be possible to do wash between chop and hang/dry?
My plan is to use my leaf blower on full fucking blast then H202 warm water wash followed with a warm water only wash. Shake the shit out of them until all large water droplets are off and hang.
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