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Canadian cannabis inventory soars to new high, indicating more pain ahead for producers
Published July 8, 2020 | By Matt Lamers

Federally licensed producers in Canada are stockpiling more cannabis than ever, new figures from the Canadian government show, indicating that some producers are in store for more financial pain as the market looks for equilibrium.
Deeper industrywide cuts might still be needed for the large producers to shed excess production, even as the industry continues to see impressive month-on-month retail sales growth.

As of April, Canadian cultivators and processors had amassed roughly 620,144 kilograms (1.4 million pounds) of unpackaged cannabis inventory – defined as marijuana in stock that is not packaged for sale to consumers at the retail level.

In addition, roughly 85,014 kilograms of packaged inventory was being held in April by federal license holders, retailers and wholesalers – defined as cannabis in inventory that is packaged for sale to consumers.
Craig Wiggins, managing director of market researcher TheCannalysts, said “It’s plain old supply and demand. If you cannot sell what you’re making, it starts backing up and you will eventually have to write it down or destroy it if it doesn’t sell.”
“The total addressable market is growing. There’s no question about it,” he said. “But it’s not growing to the extent that it can absorb the unsalable product, so adjustments are coming.”
It is a similar story for extracts, edibles and topicals, though Health Canada uses “packaged units” to measure those inventory levels.
For example, the Health Canada data shows more than 9 million packaged units of cannabis extracts in April versus sales of a little over 1 million packaged units.
In the lead-up to legalization in October 2018, the largest Canadian producers spent billions of dollars building up production capacity and on acquisitions – moves criticized as a nod to stock market investors rather than an attempt to address actual consumer demand.
Much of that capacity was shown to be misplaced, despite a short-lived scarcity in the months after legalization.
Since the shortage abated, producers such as Aurora Cannabis and Canopy Growth raced to slash costs and excess production, laid off thousands of workers and wrote down billions in inventory. Some are selling greenhouses for a fraction of their original cost.
“We’ve seen a cutting of capacity, but the capacity that they reduced to might still be optimistic,” Wiggins said.
Brock University business professor Michael Armstrong said looming outdoor harvests this fall could also factor into inventories.
The amount of space licensed to grow cannabis outdoors now exceeds indoor and greenhouse.
“The (production) bump next fall is probably going to be even larger (than 2019’s), so current indoor production plans should be taking into account that a surge is going to come from outdoor.”
Health Canada’s cannabis market data can be found here.
I wonder why Health Canada stopped disclosing sales in September 2019? It does a fantastic job of making this this graph look better to investors when they leave out key information like that.

And why the hell can you pay to grow a field full of pot? Either you can or you can’t. If the government dreamt up a licensing system to grow corn would it be right? Would it stand in court?

It’s not like cannabis is a new crop in Canada. It really hasn’t even been prohibited for very long.
And yet there are underground producers who won't deliver as usual anymore, in my province anyway, since French-speaking Canadians were sacrificed to serve some obscure electoral purpose. Show me 1 single politician i can trust today, federal or provincial!
Problem is you couldn’t trust them yesterday, or the day before, or tomorrow, or ever for that matter. They are politicians and they work for us. There is no authority implied.

I heard the crown corp “Canada Post” moves most of the produce these days. The licensed producers have already shown us that even quantity does not matter if it goes from one private property to another. Since all of the penalties for daring to rebel against the taxation of a plant went up, I can’t blame your guy for not delivering. He could easily print parcel post labels on his home computer though. Just a thought.
Fields of outdoor they grow do they.....hahahahaha. If I had a truck load of outdoor I couldn't sell a tenth of it.
Here's the scenario.......picture this little play...scene 1 ...act 1
" Hey buddy, you want some nice cheap outdoor? ".....he answers back...."no, you got anything good"
End of play....go home now. Show's.....ova!
What the fuck they gonna do with all this outdoor schwagg?...they can't even sell the indoor stuff.......hahahahaha
BOYCOTT...who needs jailer weed?
Salutations Freedom Seed,

Since all of the penalties for daring to rebel against the taxation of a plant went up, I can’t blame your guy for not delivering.

Me neither (we're closer than you've apparently assumed). Still, we got the future stolen; blocked via Trudeau's Civil Asset Forfeiture, if i'm not mistaking. Which means a lot of agravation, so i understand the people who won't risk that sort of scenario. Which ain't the same kind of freedom beer drinkers enjoy day & night, all year long if it suits them.

Meanwhile public money serves to shame us on TV, pretending to "educate" kids. It gives me cramps to the sternum!

And all present/future politicians remain potential predators.

For lots of voters the Liberal "Légaleezation" was supposed to feel very different just a few weeks from the 2015 federal elections.

The only other province gone this wrong is Manitoba, i heard, which makes me think it's no hasard, euh...

I'll leave Cat 'n Mouse games to others, me i was simply hoping the prohibition to end for real, which is why i voted against my convictions, strategically, thinking the NDP had a chance. But no. And i despised the Liberals as much as Harper before: a loose-loose scenario starting from the begining.


By the way, in case i didn't emphasize it sufficiently before: Hexo's Original Stash is AUTHENTIC CRAP!! :dunce:

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

All this time we're still having to defend ourselves while some sort of anonymous neo-endoctrinated individuals continue to choose to make us their self-serving obcessions, like true predators. I suppose they need a sacrifice to please their god$! Anyway, the "medical" vs "recreative" (formerly criminal...) defense always been a weak one because it doesn't address a most basic aspect of cannabis laws today: a fair sense (e.g. lack) of proportions.

IMO if alcohol & tobacco, the eternal duo, were to be re-evaluated in the same way as cannabis and its consumers got treated in my own country - and province! - euh... Lets just say that a fair sense of proportions would risk turn the world upside-down, which is nothing about "science" as it's mainly politics, and beind poly-tics this attracts a lost of bugs of course.

Now, the bottom line is: bugs ain't welcome in any private garden, which this is about literally: the right of a neighbour to complain and threaten me of eviction should i ever allow hints to be detected... That is the law.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Indeed, now imagine inside an institution where all occupants are aged above 55... Sure they'll stab me in the back if i allow myself to get vulnerable, which isn't what i thought true legalization ever implied, not even during the 2015 electoral campaign as i voted strategically against Trudeau - and lost. The TrudeauManiac voters must have believed more criminalization was fine as long as they'd get their treat, i can only wonder!