Recommend a light...theres so many


Active Member
I'm just getting into this and i was wondering which light is the best for me...i bought some strawberry cough seeds from sensible seeds but i don't know what light to get
Any recommendations? pricerange is around $100 but i'm open to anything


Well-Known Member
your gonna have to do cfl's you cant get anything good for under 100 unless you find something used on ebay=sketchy.


Well-Known Member
SeeMoreBuds New book Marijuana Buds For Less, check it out. threads about it by HotSexyMilf. Garden Knowm has a link he wrote it. Buy it, follow it. VV


Well-Known Member
The light you choose would depend on:
1) budget (you can't buy what you can't afford)
2) space constraints (a 1000w light won't do you much good in a small space)
3) temperature constraints (similar to space constraints - a 1000w light will heat up a small space unless you plan on keeping it cool somehow)

so you are looking for the best light you can afford and use in the space you have. Since you are on a budget - i second VV's advice (i always do) - get seemorebud's book and keep your cost down.


Well-Known Member
Light is the most important thing in the plants envoriment
what about water? food/nutrients? CO2 (ventilation)?

can't make up for lack of one with a preponderance of another - all the essential elements have to work hand-in-hand.


Active Member
right, i know, however, without proper lighting nothing will grow, no photosynthesis . . .
I know all the other are important. . .


Well-Known Member
sorry just being pedantic - plus it was on my mind cause i was writing about this very thing in my grow guide i'm working on.