recomendation on a starter meter


Active Member
Hi, I am getting my grow equipment together and have a question. To save money I was considering getting a cheepo meter for PH, then when I have the money getting a good combo Hanna or other brand for PH, TDS, EC, PPM, and temp. But the more I look both at manufactures specs and what people say here I get more and more confused.

What would the other forum members recommend in terms of equipment. IE what meters are the forum members happy with, what should I look for in a meter and finally is it worth waiting to start growing to get a high quality meter with all the bells and whistles or is a simple starter PH meter enough?

A last bit of info is that I have decided to use BMO as my nutes, starting in soil and over the course of time going to either hydroponics or aeroponics. Probably a 250 Watt setup (I am considering a 400 watt ballast as well) with a cool tube.

Thanks all,