Recently expired nutrients


Well-Known Member
A good friend recently quit growing, and gave me a load of all his nutrients. All high quality stuff. However, much of it is recently past the "use by" date.

Is it still worth using?
Gently shake or turn the bottle listening for crystals in the bottom of the bottles, if there's none you can use it, if there's precipitate in it use it for tomatoes or other garden plants, I've used stuff years out of date with great results.
Gently shake or turn the bottle listening for crystals in the bottom of the bottles, if there's none you can use it, if there's precipitate in it use it for tomatoes or otheellr garden plants, I've used stuff years out of date with great results.
tomatoes! Are you a fellow tomato grower? The only thing I like growing more than cannabis are my tomatoes .
tomatoes! Are you a fellow tomato grower? The only thing I like growing more than cannabis are my tomatoes .
Hey bud, I've never grown tomatoes before our climate isn't great for then without a green house.
My buddy grows them so I don't go short, it's crossed my mind to try cherry tomatoes, I love the picolo variety but I can't get them these days.