Recent problems


Active Member
Recently I have been finding that some of the bigger leaves on my plant are sagging down and there is brown spots on a few of the leaves. These are older leaves keep in mind but I was just wondering what to do. A friend of mine is telling me to cut the leaves off because they look like they are blocking everything below it somewhat. Im just not to sure what to do. The newer leaves seem to be growing in pretty good.


Well-Known Member
are you using dolomite lime or calmag , If not it is probably a magnesium def or too much fertilizer. More info lights, medium, nutrients: how often, age of plant... If the leaves are green and not crispy leave them on, you don't clip the fan leaves for any reason!!

Allan Watts

Well-Known Member
My most recent problem was - Lack of Potassium! I bought soil from a local nursery and it seemed like a good brand- ferti-lome from Canada- Made from sphagnum moss from Quebec Canada- and perlite, a mixture. After about one month- The plants were DYING- UGHHH I found after doing a soil chemical test that it was sadly lacking in the Third of the holy trinity- N-P-K. The 3 have recovered after an immediate treatment with some miracle grow solid- blue crystals- bc of the copper- but they have a serious amount of K which is why I selected it. Just my situation which is entirely unrelated to yours.

Well-Known Member
Recently I have been finding that some of the bigger leaves on my plant are sagging down and there is brown spots on a few of the leaves. These are older leaves keep in mind but I was just wondering what to do. A friend of mine is telling me to cut the leaves off because they look like they are blocking everything below it somewhat. Im just not to sure what to do. The newer leaves seem to be growing in pretty good.
start planning next year's soil NOW!!!(read my blog).I'd get some micro nutes foliar fed a.s.a.p. to fix it without doing something possibly worse.
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