My man!but it seems so involved and lots to know, im a marijuana man myself so thats all i really know a lot about. how could i start growing shrooms?
I feel like I'm in actual Big Lebowski movie! Dude this, dude thathahaha nice dude but the question i ask myself is, where do i start?? maybe you can help with that dude?
Enough with the commercialized, over priced uses of grow kits! No need for them, it just sends off red flags when you purchased them anyways. Go to your local walmart and you'll find all the growing materials you need
Huh. dont confuse me. Walmart has the following: pressure cooker, canning jars, utensils, plastic totes, and other miscellaneous items that will help in the process.reallyyyyy??????? even the syringe??? and the liquid and whatever else i need??
Shroomery is cool but disorganized like a motherfucker. If you want information that is plain and to the point, without too many newbie reports. Please subscribe to!I grew shrooms super fucking easy.
Search pf tek and get your butt over to
The ppl there know everything. There hippys... lol so yeah
Of course you can get away using a big pot... but better substrates require a pressure cooker... and the vendor specified above is among the best!Buy spores from
Very trusty vendor.
Please please please buy a dehydrator! I made the mistake in not buy one and had one hell of a time drying them.
You dont need a pressure cooker. A pot with a good lid works great.
I hit up around 15 jars using a pot not one contam
Most peep's say cubes are cubes... but if your looking to capture a cubensis which has a high psilocin content I would choose the strain of Penis Envy! It looks like a penis too so watch outim on it right now, i didnt know there where strains just like marijuana... are they all still just magic shrooms? and what am i actually buying?
You had me rolling on the carpet after I read this. Yes, if you purchased a "spore syringe" that is labelled Penis Envy. You'll get mushrooms that look like big, fat penises! All cubensis spores are normally the same price. Its when you branch into the paneolus and cyanescuns species which are a bit heftier in price.ok so say i purchase the penis envy, which is pretty cheap, will i be getting the syringe that contains the liquid for the penis envy?
Keep the questions coming buddy! Right now I'm gonna pop some molly... so my head might be spinning, oh hell my eyes will be like pin balls... bouncing all around, round and round!hahaha dude im stoned and i know nothing about shrooms except the experience is awesome and growing looks so sick! im going to need a lot more guidance from you man, your awesome.