really expensive nutes


i've been using terra brand nutrience. i use vega, flores, cannazym, rhizotonic, boost, and pk in the amounts they recomend for the various stages of growth. its been working really well but the prices range from $25 to almost $100 per bottle.
has anyone used this brand of nutrience and know of an equally effective, less expensive brand? i spend more feeding my garden than i do feeding myself. thanks y'all
I put down all the "Big Name" ($$$) products, a while ago! Not because they don't work, you know they do! Not even, so much, because of the expense - hell, I could easily afford it! My two reasons are really related to each other:
1. I wasn't really learning anything about plant nutrition from using these products.
2. There is no sense of satisfaction in using somebody else's "Formula".

I decided to go "organic" and mix my own soil and nutes from easy to find sources (not to mention - CHEAP!). I'm still having fun learning how to mix my own "Killer Mix"!
Dyna-Gro and Jack's classic come to mind. You could do several grows worth of veg and bloom nutes for less than $25.

Search out threads by Uncle Ben and get the skinny.

Homemade organics are cheap also.

nice thanks for the input.
forgot to mention im using promix. anyone else got a tried and true brand of nutrience to suggest??