really exited first time!!


Active Member
Heyyy i think its time to haverst almost all thrim are getting cloudy.. its my first time ever indoor scrog.. i going to give her 48hours of darkness(really dont know why but pepole recoomnd this) and than to cut her off.. some advice about the haversting or maybe things that you do spicel.. here some pics
20160129_114504.jpg 20160129_114447.jpg 20160129_114433.jpg 20160129_114400.jpg 20160129_114411.jpg

Hope to get like 150g after dry

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Woa woa woa, first timer? NICE BUDS!

Not much to it really, sit comfortably, put some music on and start trimming your girls! Don't forget to take some breaks every one and a while.

You could also save the trimmings of the sugar leaves and make some hash, I'm pretty sure you'd have a nice amount. :D

Good luck!