Really bad edible high. What did I do wrong? Has this happened to anyone else

Hey everyone, the other night (wednesday) I needed relief so I bought a Korova 150mg brownie and ate half of it around 6:30. It didn't kick in until around 7:45ish and around 9o'clock I started to get really dizzy and I was on the verge of panicking as well. So I figured it would be best if I went to sleep. The next morning I felt REALLY sick and started throwing up and had the worst headache of life. Everything I ate or drank, I puked it up about 10-15 minutes later. I used to think my friends were crazy when they said they were high off of edibles for 2 or 3 days. I didn't think it was possible but there was no other way to explain it. I'd felt really groggy and in an insane amount of pain and could barely walk or get out of bed. It was ridiculous. I dont think I will ever be eating another edible any time soon.


Well-Known Member
Lol you ate too much lol 75 mg is alot ... I ate 100 mg an freaked out, had to go home and goto sleep.. Woke up 4 hours later... Still wasted... Its also possible the brownie was bad.. In combo with that much thc

also. Those measurements..are not always accurate


Well-Known Member
i've never woke up throwing up or anything, but i get the edible hangover (got it this morning). just really groggy more than anything. some coffee and a nice sativa usually take care of it for me


New Member
Sounds like other I know with a low tolerance that consume my Black Out Butter , it is made with only kind bud and the ratio is 4 ounces to 1 pound of butter .. I have seen others vomit and claim to be having a stroke when they consumed anything more than a very small amount ..

MI Dude

LOL! Sorry to laugh I did the same thing last week. Made some double strength butter, and got the decarboxylation right for once. Wow! Reminded me of my very first buzz. Kinda got the sick paranoids as well and had to go to bed for a few hours. I didn't have to smoke or vape for hours and hours. Caught up on sleep too.
The first time I made any kind of baked cannabis it was with a brownie mix. It was made from a throw away pot product. I was fairly sure it wouldn't have much effect.

By chance I sent one of the brownies to another grower by the name of "Abusive". He told me what a great buzz he got from it.

This brownie was oozing with oil, I put so much in it, I had no idea.

So, I ate one, and yep, felt like I had taken a fairly strong dose of LSD. the carpet was breathing, and although I was able to function, I was wildly dissorienated.
The brownies I made, were mostly from what I call lower oil. Which can mean 2 things, what the oil looks like. And secondly where it is drawn from.
b78.jpgThis is the first batch I made, you can see the oil pooling, at the top part of the brownie on the right. b69 - Copy.jpg

I moved on from brownies to making cake. The cake I then made from sifted bud, rather then using the throw away from the procedure. I infused the cake with the hash that was created from the sift.

This made for an explosive product that used very little cannabis to acheive it's goal.
001.jpg(<=Cake product I made yesterday)

2 things tend to upset my stomach, they are, oil/butter and veg matter. That's why I don't make canna butter of some type, you have to ingest to much oil, and it gives me acid reflux etc. The cake while I'm not actually removing pure oil like I am with the brownies I mentioned. It takes so little of it, it doesn't matter for the most part.

I'm editing a video right now that will relate to this subject, I'll put it in when I'm through.

Here's that video, with the way I make the cake. It' from my "Cure for cancer" vids.