Reality or not?


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow med users

well heres what i think. i was hoping to get atleast a 1/2 pound off each of my only growing 3 plants with a 4003 mh light for vegging and when im ready a 400w hps for flowering.

well my plant as of now are 3ft tall. and i havent even began to flower yet. on the website i can yeild up to 500grams of dried bud a meter. my plants are almost a meter and havent even flowered yet.

so heres my question. Is it posible for me to get a 1/2 pound off each plant?

link to website.
PlanetSkunk [ Superior Genetics - Worldwide Delivery ]


400w light(hydrofarm)
3 female plants(Bigstone) all of em are 3ft tall
6 months of vegging
Grow Bid nutrients.

Let me know


Well-Known Member
I hope you have a really high ceiling. RTeminds me of me. I read that the plants would at least double in height but I wanted a really big yield so I let them grow taller before flowering. BIG MISTAKE. Especially for me. I was iusing a lot of bag seeds of unknown variety and the height difference of the various strains made it impossible to get the light to all of them. At least with only a few plants you won't have that problem. When they say Yield/ sq meter it doens't mean because you have let your 3 plants grow like weeds you will get that same yield from your square meter. You will only get close to that if you have at least one plant per square foot. I would say you will be extremly fortunate if you get a half pound out of this. Sorry to burst your bubble but I did the same thing. First time through I missed the part about sqMtr. I thought ok 500grams/plant?? Where does Jorge get his 1/2gram per watt of light if you can get 500 grams from one plant.
After my first 5 plants were harvested and dried I had a little over 8 oz. If I hadn't over dried it I might have gotten 250grams. By then I already had 60 plants on three tables with a few thousand dollars invested.
28 of those were male and I got rid of them of course. As I got close to harvest a funny thing happened. I began to see seeds on my plants. Seems one of those 6' tall plants way in the back had hermied and I missed it. Nothing ruins a sensi crop like one hermie. The good news would be I now had a lot of seeds. But the hermie was a satavia which I have certianlty established doesn't fit in a inside grow room. You are about to find this out.if your plants are already 3' tall.
The good news is I know some things that can go wrong and I haven't had to buy my own smoke. Live and learn.