Real Growers Recharge in recirculating hydroponics w/ Jacks RO formula 12-4-16

Missouri Green

Active Member
I'm getting the impression there is some danger to adding Recharge like this (you know organic hydro and stuff).. whats the worst that could happen? i flow 1 min out of every 5-30 min depending on my mood. the pump is 230gal/hr but probably half that at my head height. reservoir is 10 gal. 4 x 1/2" lines with valves deliver nutrient to 2 dispersing trays. I have my roots contained inside a grow bag (don't think the roots will make it through that). inside the bag is 3 inches of hydroton then about 6inches of 50/50 coco perlite with 1 inch hydroton on top, then some hydroton around the bag and two 3/4 inch drains well screened and protected at the bottom of the bin. i've got great drainage!!!!
whats the worst that could happen to me? i could see sulfur perhaps being converted to sulfuric acid resulting in ph drop, and possible organic sludge... worst case aside from a dead plant would be clogged drains and a flood but i don't really see that happening. i keep close watch. just guessing i could build a sludge or something then need to change out reservoir... would my problems continue after that?
One possibility is that i can close my lower main drain and only use the overflow drain which is about 2-3 off the bottom.... so i could feed the Recharge and let the system sit like a hempy bucket for a day or more.... drain to res and change out nutrients . rinse and repeat. that would probably be my best bet but do i even attempt it?

Leaning towards "just don't do it" but i bought the stuff. also got Orca and Mammoth P .... not sure if i should try any of them.
thoughts? here she is drooping just before lights out ..... have had a persistent little claw for about 3 weeks, RH is quite low 30-40% and air exchange is quite high as well to control heat (78 lights on 65 off). anyway she's looking pretty good. the ppms .7 scale are 740 now but was as high as 1100 for a few days a couple weeks ago. 800-900 for most of its young life ph 5.7-6.1 stays stable where'ver i put it.. RO water and Jacks 321 right now. with calmag , armorSi, rhizotonic, cannazym, and hydroguard. possibly switching to RO formula soon.
thoughts on benies in my hydro anyone?

side note.... i could just swap out my res with another tote bin and use Recharge and just hand water drain to waste for a week or two.... then i could go back to irrigation , probably won't be any issue at all. these microbes reproduce so once im inoculated we should be good to go? and since im not running any sugars/molasis besides whats int he recharge, once i go back to the res the benies only get what the plant gives them and we should be 100% im thinking.
overly optimistic?