Ready to just give up...


Active Member
I dont know what the hell is going wrong with this grow. Most likely getting too many conflicting suggestions on what the problems have been and what to do to fix them.

They are at ~4 weeks flowering and have another ~4 weeks to go, the last 2 weeks i usually flush so really just 2 more weeks being fed.
My only question is regardless on how bad they are atm, will they be able to live long enough to finish?

The temps in the tent range from mid 60s to high 70s. The pH has been stable-ish from 5.5 to 6.1. the PPMs have been on the low side and never close to burn strength..
Here is a quick photo journal...

Nirvana AK-48 seeds.

Running Blackstar 500w and 2 Blackstar 240w LEDs.
PPMs here were from 500-800.

from 1000->1600 PPM here...

No clue what happened here...

added full strength dose of Cal-Mag here and they bounced back....
moved them to another tent with a 600w HPS instead of the LEDs.

looking pretty good here...

starting to see some brown spots and yellowing...

thinking it was a Magnesium deficiency added some Epsom salts with very light foliar misting..

still brown spotty, right one is yellowing quite a bit more than the left...
Can see salt residue on the leaves from the epsom salts misting...

im really at a loss. Ive been given so much conflicting info its making my head spin.
Some people say that Flora-Nova nutes have too much calcium to add Cal-Mag (which ends up locking out the mag) for a magnesium deficiency, which is why i tried epsom salts.


Active Member
it is weird, when rollitup compresses the pictures they dont really look as bad as they are... I pulled some leaves so i could get a close up, these types of leaves are all over the plants.

Dried out, necrosis, brown spots, yellowing...



Well-Known Member
avoid any misting during lights on. it can and will burn the plants.
had a bit of it this grow. looked exactly like those do.

probably could be a bit of mg def, but once it really takes hold, there really no improving. just preventing more damage.


Active Member
ya, i always move the light up until theyve dried out.
but yea, at this point i dont think there is any fixing them.


Active Member
it hasnt been above 1200 since i moved to the HPS tent.
which is funny since it seemed to be doing the best at the time when it was the highest.


Well-Known Member
Your PH is causing this make sure its 5.8. Why would it be def in cal/mag if there is cal/mag in the nutes? Only one way the Ph is out and in turn is locking out nutes giving you the issues. Also are you using H2O2?


Well-Known Member
5.5-6.1 is good, swings allow for uptake of elements at different ph. i have had some strains that could go 2500ppm and show no signs of problems, but they produce more around 1000. ive also had some that would fry above 600ppm. gotta find what works for what you have, its not generic.


Active Member
i read that having too much calcium could lockout magnesium, so if FloraNova Grow has a lot of calcium and you add Cal-Mag, you end up locking out the Mag part.
Yea, that is true, i havent really ever stuck with a strain long enough to really dial it in, i keep wanting to try different things. This is my 1st time with AK-48.

the "nova" line has pH buffers in it and generally i have found in the past trying to mess with it too much causes more problems than just leaving it a couple 0.1 pts off...

I have been using h2o2 since the 1st time there was an issue. I used a 16oz bottle of generic 3% in a ~35 galon rez.
the roots look relatively healthy. I have 2 superpowered air stones in each of those buckets...


Active Member
let em grow.....looks like they know theyre gettin to the end of there cycle....bit of a nute burn... if it was me i would flush em good and not feed nutes for a week then get right back on schedule, but def dont try and over analyze it and keep trying different things... its just gonna get worse. id just relax and enjoy sum smoke in 4wks;)


Well-Known Member
I feel you are over thinking...Just cut back on nutes do a lot of plain water(not flushing) if you mist mist early in the morning spray underneath plain water not on buds if posibel ,let them catch themselves ....


Active Member
yea, when i said give-up i ment, just not worry bout it anymore and letem go..
it is a good point though, i dont really know what these ak-48s want for nutes so what im used to might be too strong.

i watered down the rez from 1100 to 600ppm... ill let that go for a week and hope it doesnt get any worse.
the dmg to the leaves will never repair itself this late in flowering, correct?


Well-Known Member
Let them would have helped earlier but your root system may be to blame! do you use mycorrihaze when transplanting??Have one room in blooming now same shit just wen't way to fast and used up all the available nute's looked like lock out but not!! leave's at this point matter verry little.When using horticultural grade epsom salt's mix in hot water disolve add cold water and then mist first ting in am and spray with plain water after ten minuates to rince off what wasn't taken by the stomata! never leave plant's moist at night due to mold/mildew attack!! Plant's will turn out fine see pic's leave alone and watch tricome's for ripeness!! Plant's look awesome! great grow my friend! fine tune it for better result's!! worth the time!!.good luck! jackView attachment 2232877MG deficiency see leave's!.jpgthis am mg def will add today.jpg4 weeks left.jpgView attachment 22328814 more week's 44inch tall still streching!!.jpg


Well-Known Member
Probably PH lock out.. Too much salt build up in your pots maybe.. Flush with plain r/o water 5.8 for and check back


Active Member
there is some salt on the hydroton, but...
this is DWC, there is a huge root ball sitting in the water 24/7...
the water doesnt even hit the pots, is that really an issue?


Well-Known Member
Are you using R/O water even though your nutes have cal/mag you might want to add some Cal/Mag @ 5ml per gallon thats how I used to do my DWC buckets. How are your water temps?? How is the water? any slime or foul stench to it???


Well-Known Member
A calcium or magnesium deficiency is really unlikely to see, unless you have caused it yourself by having too much nitrogen... Unless you are using distilled or Reverse Osmosis filtered water then there is enough calcium and magnesium in just the water to sustain a healthy plant...but too much N makes the Ca and Mg not available, so you see deficiencies, but adding those minerals will not cause the plant to uptake them and be healthy again...
You are close to harvest so eff it, but next go bout, just know that what you are looking at is likely not a mg or Ca deficiency...people on the boards are very quick to say that is always the problem, and I don't know who started this terrible occurrence, but it happens all the time...just look through the posts of what is wrong with my plant, every single one has a few people that say it is ca/mg related, but the odds are it is not... so watch out...