Ready to induce flowering?


Active Member
This is the 36th day for these 9 Supergirls in DWC 10 gallon reserviors and 4 Supergirls in Aerogarden uder 2 - 250 W HPS, 2-100 W CFL, and Whatever the AG lights accumulate to.

These plants suffered from Nute burn, inconsistent Ph levels and mean temperatures early on but have recovered nicely.

Everything I read says I am ready for the Flowering period.

What is my best way to reduce the light?

They have been on a 24-0 schedule thus far.

Go directly to 18 Hours Light and 6 Dark or 23-1 22-2-21-3 etc.?

Also, I found a steal on a digital water purity tester (Intellitec) so I picked it up as I do not have a PPM meter. Before I open it, does anyone know if this is a decent brand or if it will do the job?

Furthermore, I am using a really loosely controlled Ph meter, upper and downer. I feel like I need a digital Ph meter in order to give these girls the best possible environment. Any recommendations?

I am using Envy A + B nutes. Will these suffice for the rest of my grow?