Ready to induce flowering?


Active Member
This is the 36th day for these 9 Supergirls in DWC 10 gallon reserviors and 4 Supergirls in Aerogarden uder 2 - 250 W HPS, 2-100 W CFL, and Whatever the AG lights accumulate to.

These plants suffered from Nute burn, inconsistent Ph levels and mean temperatures early on but have recovered nicely.

Everything I read says I am ready for the Flowering period.

What is my best way to reduce the light?

Go directly to 18 Hours Light and 6 Dark or 23-1 22-2-21-3 etc.?

Also, I found a steal on a digital water purity tester (Intellitec) so I picked it up as I do not have a PPM meter. Before I open it, does anyone know if this is a decent brand or if it will do the job?

Furthermore, I am using a really loosely controlled Ph meter, upper and downer. I feel like I need a digital Ph meter in order to give these girls the best possible environment. Any recommendations?

I am using Envy A + B nutes. Will these suffice for the rest of my grow?



Well-Known Member
Yes they are big enough to induce flowering. They look good too. +rep
To start flowering, you need to change your light cycle to 12 on, 12 off. Have you been on 24 hours light the entire time?
Most ppm/tds testers are pretty good, I dont think Ive ever had a bad one. Im sure what you have will be fine.
As for a digital ph pen, I dont use one anymore. I got tired of always having to calibrate them. I like to use a cheap chemical test solution instead. It is cheaper, lasts longer, and is still pretty accurate too!
Good luck



Active Member
Thanks for the compliments. 4 Weeks ago I didn't think they had a prayer.

Yes, they have been under 24 hours the entire time. So is it still safe to directly to a 12/12 cycle or does it need to be gradual?

I also use a Ph solution tester but it only gives results in wide inrements.
4.0 5.0 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0

I gave been keeping it between 6.0 and 5.0 for the most part but there is no way to really tell if it is 5.2 or 5.7. Ya know? But I suppose it will be alright.

During the flowering period do I need to use different nutes? With a better balance of essential nutes?

And does the Ph need to be lower/higher during this period?

Is it possible to flower/harvest/dry before the end of May?


Well-Known Member
Yes, they have been under 24 hours the entire time. So is it still safe to directly to a 12/12 cycle or does it need to be gradual?

I also use a Ph solution tester but it only gives results in wide inrements.
4.0 5.0 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0

I gave been keeping it between 6.0 and 5.0 for the most part but there is no way to really tell if it is 5.2 or 5.7. Ya know? But I suppose it will be alright.

During the flowering period do I need to use different nutes? With a better balance of essential nutes?

And does the Ph need to be lower/higher during this period?

Is it possible to flower/harvest/dry before the end of May?

No you do not need to slowly reduce the light schedule. Switching to 12/12 right away will help show sex faster than if you gradually changed the light cycle.

I wouldnt change the ph, they look to be pretty healthy to me. If it isnt broken dont fix it.

As for nutes, Im no expert, but here is what I do. I like to give mine a healthy does of everything. I gradually bump up the ppm every week until Im ready to flush. I like to use Fox Farm Grow Big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom throught the entire grow. I also add superthrive to every watering.

I dont think you will be ready for harvest by the end of may. That is only 2 months away. If you start flowering tomorow, April 1, it will be a couple weeks before sex is shown, and then it will be a while before the buds really fatten up. Always check the trichromes to see when they are ready, never go by a calendar. Patience is a virtue.

Good Luck