Ready to chop?


whats happenin!!! i have 2 purple kush plants that have been flowering for 62 days now. One has eatin itself and is almost 100% yellow and the other looks a little behind as far as the yellowing in the plants go. I heard that purple kush finishes early but there are still plenty of piltils pushin out. Should i chop? Should i chop the one thats all yellow and give a couple more days on the other? Any advise helps. I am growing with soil. Thanks Peace


Well-Known Member
whats happenin!!! i have 2 purple kush plants that have been flowering for 62 days now. One has eatin itself and is almost 100% yellow and the other looks a little behind as far as the yellowing in the plants go. I heard that purple kush finishes early but there are still plenty of piltils pushin out. Should i chop? Should i chop the one thats all yellow and give a couple more days on the other? Any advise helps. I am growing with soil. Thanks Peace[/QUOTE really need a pic bro.


Well-Known Member
what do the trich's say?? im guessin your done since i cant see pics and your at 62 days and they are turnin yellow. have you began flushin? better start!!!.....or not!


Well-Known Member
Yep. It's ready or damn close.
hey man i got a locally bred purple kush strain (probably not as legit as yours) that's been going 64 days. I just put a bunch of pics of it up as I'm trying to decide when to harvest. Check it out, you can compare to yours. here's the link to the thread.

The bottom ones are the kush. The leaves are not as yellow as on my Northern lights, but the buds are super dense and pretty red/orange. I can't see the trichs too clearly with my 10x jeweller's loupe, so I think I'll order a magnifying glass and wait until it comes to chop. Let me know how yours is looking compared to mine and we can decide where we both are. Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
hey man i got a locally bred purple kush strain (probably not as legit as yours) that's been going 64 days. I just put a bunch of pics of it up as I'm trying to decide when to harvest. Check it out, you can compare to yours. here's the link to the thread.

The bottom ones are the kush. The leaves are not as yellow as on my Northern lights, but the buds are super dense and pretty red/orange. I can't see the trichs too clearly with my 10x jeweller's loupe, so I think I'll order a magnifying glass and wait until it comes to chop. Let me know how yours is looking compared to mine and we can decide where we both are. Good luck man!
did u really jus highjack a thread!!??


Well-Known Member
did u really jus highjack a thread!!??
nah man. he didn't post any pics; I have a plant that's the same strain at exactly the same stage, and just posted a bunch of pics. Just thought it might help him out to compare. Don't look at it if you don't want, i don't care.


Yea...trichs are about 30 % id say....just not sure how quickly they change since im seein those pistils.... Ive been flushin for about a week too. Probably goin to chop the one that is almost completely yellow and give maybe 2 more days w/ the other... Any ideas or other suggestions? You gotta get this purple kush if you dont....BEA utiful buds are completely purple covered in crystals....i need to figure out how to load some pics....peace