Ready 2 Trim?? Enough Room??


Hey, got some cheese cuttings, same as my last crop, which was sick people.. Me mate told me to take it off the streets, people are going to get hurt!! haha, stong as fuck.. anyway my new girls are 2 and 1/2 weeks into veg, by lookin at em, do you think I should trim yet??

an whats your opinion on 9 x 11 L Pots in a 1 ms tent.. using a 600 watt light that is used for both veg n flower??

Tryed few different ways now,

I used 4 x 11 L pots in 1 ms Tent and I had 3 tents.. got 18 oz from the lot, shit but was 1st grow..

Then used 16 x 6.5L Pots in same tent, and I got 14oz from one tent!!

Hopefully I will get more from this grow, which is 9 x 11 L pots in 1 ms tent..

RANDOM but home today from a holiday n found the light blown on one of me tents, gutted, had a spare which I quickly through in.. Only been away since fri, an they dont look much different from other tents, so must of only blew yesterday am thinkin..

If you havent I would always have a spare bulb to through if it happens to you.. An the bulb looked mad, like it had been shot with a pellet gun, ha, crazy.. plants look ok though, they should be back to normal after a feed n a warm ; )

