Reading the Trichomes - Time to start the flush?


Well-Known Member
Greetings Plant Lovers,

First time grower here, so here's the deal. Two plants, one indica (White Thunder - Kera Seeds) and one sativa (Pineapple Sativa - Kera Seeds) and both are on day 49 of flower - exactly seven weeks. Vertical growth stopped a while ago on both plants and the buds have thickened up nicely. The carbon filter ventilation is keeping the smell down, but when checking/removing yellowing leaves a sweet aroma is easily noticed.

So here's the deal - the sativa, which is said to have a longer flowering period (9 to 10 weeks) is already showing over 90 percent milky trichomes with a few starting to turn amber. However, the indica which has a suggested 8 week flower has about 60 percent milky trichs with the rest still looking kinda clear. To make things more interesting the sativa's pistils are still mostly white, like 80+ percent, but the indica's pistils are closer to 60 percent white with the rest already orange-red.

I'd like to flush and harvest both at the same time as the tent (3' x 3' x 6' tall) will be used to hang/dry the buds and the lights will have to be cut off. The question is, do these look about ready to start the week or two of nute free flush? Will the trichomes continue to develop and buds continue to fatten during the flush? Based on your expert eyes do either of these guys need more weeks of nute feeding before flush? Below are pics of both. The trichome pics were taken using a "Neewer 60x Zoom LED Cell Phone Microscope" picked up from Amazon for under $10 attached to an iPad - works like a charm.

Pineapple Sativa buds
PS FD48 Bud 1.jpg PS FD48 Bud 2.jpg

Pineapple Sativa trichomes
PS FD48 Trichs 1.jpg PS FD48 Trichs 2.jpg PS FD48 Trichs 3.jpg

White Thunder buds
WT FD48 Bud 2.jpg WT FD48 Bud 1.jpg

White Thunder trichomes
WT FD48 Trichs 1.jpg WT FD48 Trichs 2.jpg WT FD48 Trichs 3.jpg

Each photo is of a different area of the plants. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. :peace:



Well-Known Member
If you are looking for just getting high you could harvest right now.
If you are looking for a more sedative effect you could wait until more trichs are a higher percentage of amber.
If that were mine I would start harvesting now and do so over the next couple of weeks so I have a nice mix of uplifting (now harvest) and a little more body "stoned" (harvest in 2 weeks or so).

The flush is not necessary, mostly a personal thing with "some" science. I personally do not flush but I do dilute the rez with fresh water only for a couple of weeks. The plants are still getting nutes but in a weaker solution.

I also do not really put too much value on pistil is a strain characteristic in my experience. Some strains red out and others stay pretty much white. I go by the trichome condition myself and my shit is always legit.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Racer is quite correct!

Those are nowhere near done yet! The buds them selves say so!
Not filled out and no real calyx formations yet!

At least 4 weeks!


Well-Known Member
Greetings Oh Wise Ones,

Thanks for the input! Yall confirmed what I already kinda thought, but I can't say I'm happy to hear it. After sinking about half a grand on my grow set up (tent, lights, seeds, nutes, ventilation, etc.) I vowed to never buy bud again - only homegrown all the way! As a result I haven't toked in nearly three months :shock:. Needless to say I'm getting anxious, but good things come to those who wait.

I noticed my buds don't look nearly as fat and dense as some of the monsters other growers post, but I figured that was just cause its my first attempt at growing.

Racer and Dr. Who, you guys seem super confident the girls need a month or so more. Do you think the buds will continue to fatten up over the new few weeks?

Old-School, I may take your advice and pluck one of the lower pop-corn buds in a week or so just to test things out. Oh, and thanks for the pat on the back! I'm happy with how things have gone so far, this being my first grow and all.

My original plan was to harvest these ladies in three weeks, on August 21st (day 70 of flower), but based on yalls replies I may aim for the last week of Aug. or first week of Sept. Reading about trichome color is what made me second guess the original plan. I'd like a nice uplifting high instead of buds that cause couchlock and put me right to sleep. That's why I was thinking they might be ready sooner.

Pseudo, I definitely plan on taking my time with the drying/curing processes. I'd hate to do all this work and kill the taste/smell of the buds by half-assing the final step. That said, I plan on doing at least a week long flush at the end - I'm sure it can't hurt.

Your wise words are much appreciate! :peace:


Well-Known Member
If you flush your plants, you're essentially robbing it of nutrients in a critical time of need.

Read this

And as for the Trichome thing look up some of rm3(riddleme) posts and his early amber strains a eye opener for sure.

People will talk shit about him but dude knows his stuff his material doesn't sit well with most forum paradigms but worth a read
HOLY SMOKES!!! That flushing thread is a hell-of-a read. I'll have to read that a few more times to let all that dense info sink in. Some great information though - its definitely got me thinking twice about the flush. That said a whole lot of folks recommend giving the girls only water for the last week or two - then again I guess the net has no shortage of misguided advice.

Tell me this, what's your take on watering with no nutes during the actual grow? I'm growing in a coco coir / perlite mix and I give the girls nute free water every third watering. The post suggests that might starve the plants for a while and maybe watering with low nutes every third watering would be a better approach. Any thoughts?

The plan is to start two medical white widow plants from seed as soon as the current ladies are harvested and the tent is freed up. I've learned a lot from this first grow and I'm eager to put that knowledge to work, but clearly there's a hell-of-a lot more to learn! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I grow in soil so for the first 3-4 weeks of the grow I don't add nutes, and also don't nute for about 3 weeks after I upcan. I've also followed riddles make it rain technique